Bob Gorrell for November 28, 2016

  1. Menard2
    habfan40  over 7 years ago

    Pm Trudeau loves him

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  2. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 7 years ago

    The mainline American propaganda, particularly from the right, is that Castro was a tyrant and a bully who oppressed his people. Of course that will be the American position. After 57 years of failed sanctions to bring down the government, America needs to brand the Castros as the bad guys to justify and continue their failed policies. The more enlightened view of Castro is that, yes, he staunchly defended his one party system of socialism, but he did so to protect his vulnerable country from the bully policies of the nation next door. He deeply loved his country and he did what he thought was best for his people to maintain self-respect and sovereignty. He did not want Cuba to return to the Batista days when Cuba was little more than a foreign playpen and safe haven for rich Americans.

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  3. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member over 7 years ago

    American propaganda has had ~60 years to infect the minds of the American masses. Tourists from the rest of the world have flocked to Cuba to take advantage of their health services. Castro does have blood on his hands.. As does every American president. He does have political prisoners.. and is it not ironic that America does as well.. in Cuba. Free elections.. again Ironically, a recent win by 2 million votes still does not get you the presidency. Those American rose colored glasses you’all have really distorts reality.

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  4. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member over 7 years ago

    The “poverty” in Cuba is a direct result of the American policy. In days of old armies would lay siege to the perceived enemy until they capitulated. If that caused the death of hundreds (thousands?) that was the cost of war. So.. are you as Americans accepting any blame for the death of “any” Cubans due to your siege? Probably not.. but you are quick to point out deaths allegedly caused by Castro.

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  5. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  over 7 years ago

    Don’t worry, Trump will make sure Cuba is stuck in the 90s for the next 20 years. Compassionate conservatism knows no borders.

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    rnapiera  over 7 years ago

    Perhaps you liberals should read what Cuban-Americans think of Castro. .

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    rnapiera  over 7 years ago

    @ The Wolf and all other left wingers:……I believe it was revolutionary Fidel Castro that had overthrown the Cuban Government in 1959 establishing Cuba as the first Communist state in the Western Hemisphere. From 1959 to 1960 he then seized $1.8 billion of US assets in Cuba, making it the largest uncompensated taking of American property by a foreign government in US history…..

    It was the Democrat President Posterchild John Kennedy that approved a 1961 plan to train and arm Cuban exiles trying to overthrow Castro’s communist regime, but the Apr. 17, 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion failed when the Cuban military defeated the outnumbered US-backed forces. Then the US observed the Soviet Union actually shipping nuclear missiles to Cuba. What a peaceful and loving gesture by your friend Fidel……

    On Feb. 3, 1962, it was again the liberal pin-up boy, President Kennedy who signed Proclamation 3447 (effective date Feb. 7, 1962) declaring an embargo upon all trade between the United States and Cuba. Of course, immediately prior to the embargo taking effect good ol’ JFK sent his Press Secretary, Pierre Salinger, to procure 1,200 Petit Upmann Cuban cigars. Forward thinker that JFK was……

    But what do these facts have to do with anything. And all those refugees that fled Cuba over the decades since Fidel took power obviously just misjudged his gentle nurturing love and compassion……

    Look, If you have such a high regard for Cuba, why don’t you move there. With all the vacancies left by the refugees there should be plenty of room for you.

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    oneoldhat  over 7 years ago

    when castro took power cuba was 1st of latin america in cars, telephone ,low infant mortallity , and health care now it is in bottom 1/2 ii

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  9. Zwicky13
    kurt.zwicky  over 7 years ago

    With a little Trump wine and a steak instead of a cigar, this may well be the way we are heading….

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    hippogriff  over 7 years ago


    Cuba is highest in America south of the Rio Grande del Norte in quality and education. It is barely behind Costa Rica in adult literacy (US is behind Canada in that figure). With all the many things wrong with Cuba, why do you need to lie about the two things they are doing right? Do you consider dictatorship and injustice so desirable for this country that you won’t condemn it in Cuba? Can you bend your knees when marching or your arm when saluting?

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