Jim Morin for September 08, 2010

  1. Wombat wideweb  470x276 0
    4uk4ata  almost 14 years ago

    Was it the stimulus, or the economy in general?

    Party of O, JMat? I think you sorely underestimate the efforts of another party here.

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  2. Missing large
    badmojo  almost 14 years ago

    What are you doing to help the economy? Do you volunteer at any soup kitchens? Do You write any of your politicians. Perhaps our silence in the face of outrageous Republican behavior. There are many candidate for pushing Obama into the ditch including those who block improving road and the infrastructure.

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  3. Bluejay
    Bluejayz  almost 14 years ago

    Economic chaos, Wall Street’s melt-down and two un-paid-for wars was Shrub’s legacy to America and Obama’s inheritance.

    Per an independent, non-partisan, non-government assessment, Mr. Obama’s stimulus added ~ 2 million jobs to the economy and boosted GDP by ~ 3%. That’s not insignificant. But also, it’s not enough to lift the country out of recession. Big Business and Big Banking are sitting on literally Billions of $$ that pad their bottom lines but aren’t being used to create any jobs. It’s not all Obama’s responsibility. But the GOP “No” Party doesn’t want to help the jobless in America or improve our economy. They just want to gripe about it, blast Obama and blame everybody else.

    Obama is now proposing tax-cut stimulus for small businesses, the same type of stimulus proposed by Bush and supported by McCain in 2008, but the GOP vows to block it. Where is their honor now?

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  4. Warcriminal
    WarBush  almost 14 years ago

    <========^SHHHHH! They don’t need to know that.

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