The Meaning of Lila by John Forgetta and L.A. Rose for July 29, 2016

  1. Aishwarya01
    rnrnetmails  almost 8 years ago

    That accident happened because she tried to respond to your text, because she knew if she did not respond you’d think the worst, and of course, the worst happened.

    This is not about women, but about unnecessary priority and urgency assigned to social media interaction. The next time you get a text (or any such) from whomsoever, try and deliberately delay your response to it: it’s liberating. In fact, give yourself an hour (say, noon to 1pm, then again 7-8pm) when you will respond to all messages. You will find your 24 hours have grown longer. And safer.

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  2. Imagescaiw0lwc
    imbaldeagle  almost 8 years ago

    Boyd, when have we EVER been right about women?

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    Phatts  almost 8 years ago

    I saw something they did in Japan. Apparently they have some technology where they can identify all the cellphones by location and send them each a message. They use that in the US to send Amber Alerts.So what they did in this movie theater was have a commercial showing a film of driving in a car. The audience is “seeing” through the windshield, and everything is nice and normal, the road whizzes by, and everyone is waiting to see what the commercial is about.Then they activated this message thing to every cellphone in the theater. And while everyone was looking down and checking the message, the scene on the screen switches to a CRASH with the noise, and the windshield cracks, and the car flips and everything.The audience is, to say the least, quite startled.It dramatically demonstrates just how quickly things can change while you’re driving. Everybody looked away for only a moment, which was long enough for something to happen and cause a wreck that might have been avoided — nobody is sure what, it happens so quickly.Then of course, the message comes up, “DON’T TEXT AND DRIVE!”

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