Jeff Danziger for June 09, 2016

  1. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  about 8 years ago

    Sanders just called a press conference in which he vowed to work with Hillary to defeat Trump

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    Combatcarl  about 8 years ago

    What? No anti-Russia cartoons? What in the world is happening to you, Mr. Danziger?

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  3. Zwicky13
    kurt.zwicky  about 8 years ago

    And Hillary in a skirt? A miniskirt ??

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  4. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 8 years ago

    Mr. Sanders was worth 10 Clintons. Mr Sanders had integrity, was much smarter, actually cared about people and would have gotten so many things accomplished.I don’t blame the voters for flubbing this up so bad, I blame the DNC and all their lies and troops of trolls, Ms Clinton for doing all the cheating and lying and evil schemes, and the Media, who blocked Sanders speeches, rooted for The Clinton and the super-delegates who so many times picked Clinton over Sanders, even when Sanders picked up 80% of the popular vote and was a virtual landslide.Oh Well, better her than Trump, but a golden opportunity to have a man of principles in the White House.

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    sonoferu  about 8 years ago

    Sanders got 80% of the vote??? Where and when was that?

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    ED CANTWELL  about 8 years ago

    Clinton won enough pledged delegates to win without the super-delegates.

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    jsav3725  about 8 years ago

    Mr. Sanders should have been more like Trump, and named names. Face it folks, Mr. nice guy comes in last in this country. Hillary is guilty of murder and espionage and she walks away as the Democrat candidate of choice. For the first time I’ll be voting Republican, for Trump, warts and all. I’m tried of more of the same, and who the hell volunteers to serve in a service for a country whose government doesn’t get a damn about you when you come home? Seems I remember getting the same treatment when I came home from Vietnam. And get this, we’re about to normalize relations with Vietnam so we can again sell them weapons. What, someone run out of drugs? Or has Vietnam offered the CIA a better price on drugs? Mr, Sanders, Hillary did you a favor. Now you don’t have to deal with such things, then have worry about getting murdered for do so. Oh, they now know who killed JFK. I don’t see any indictments being handed out! Why is that? Murder still doesn’t have a statue of limitations, or does it? Jsav. PS. Mr. Trump I hope you nail Hillary’s ass to the wall!!

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