Steve Benson for May 10, 2016

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    Flash Gordon  about 8 years ago

    Poor taste, mr benson.

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  2. Mroh
    Back_phil  about 8 years ago

    Maybe Trump isn’t the best candidate, but he may be the one that will break up the power within the beltway and give it back to the American People.

    Just as Obama has taken away the power of the police and gave it back to the criminals and thugs.

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  3. Crow
    Happy Two Shoes  about 8 years ago

    I heard they have anti aircraft weapons around the White House.Trump will never make it there.

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    David Riedel Premium Member about 8 years ago

    Not funny.

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  5. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 8 years ago

    Trump is terrorizing America but his lurid media spectacles are closer to ISIS than al Qaeda. The press is starting to do some soul-searching about what responsibility, if any, it bears for Trump’s unexpected success. There have been a few shows of regrets over the $1.9 billion in free coverage the press gave the reality star in chase of ratings. The media needs Trump like a crack addict needs a hit. If the press had given all of that coverage and done any fact checking it might have made a difference. We are so addicted to terrorism fear that Trump escalates that fear to attract the mainstream who find the rest of his message unattractive. As long as terrorism and mass shootings can (and will) dominate the press and motivate copy cat attacks, it will serve to distract this country from far more pressing problems and play into Trump’s “strengths”This country needs to defeat Trump to stave off an abusive presidency feeding off attacks on Americans. But we also need to wean ourselves from being terrorized, because if we don’t, we’ll never address the real grievances that make demagoguery like Trump’s so effective.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 8 years ago

    Trump bragged he was “there” on 7/11 and knew all the answers to all problems, slurpies? The ‘toon sadly represents his destructive potential for much more than just the White House, the sickness he preaches is in fact crossing the nation among the low information voters, filled with fear spread by the Republican Party, costing us thousands of lives, and trillions of dollars, wasted. He represents the worst of us, not just as politics, but simply as human beings. With a LONG history of being a total scumbag when he wasn’t planning to run for office, his real personality, and lack of ethics, hasn’t changed a bit.

    Looking at his views on women in years of chats with Howard Stern, and other outlets prior to “You’re Fired” trash TV, which is more proof of what a creep he is, his personality shows that this view of history repeating itself regarding aircraft, understates the risk. Valid ’toon.

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    stevebenson  about 8 years ago

    When you don’t have an argument, resort to profanity. You must be Trump’s teleprompter.

    I mean, “Really Poor Taste Asshat”?

    When you can put a noun and a verb together, let me know.

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    stevebenson  about 8 years ago
    stevebenson said, less than a minute ago


    There is every good reason for doing the cartoon you decry.Cartoons drawn at the expense of Trump and his revolting ongoing displays of in-the-raw poor taste are entirely proper.Let us count the ways:—He has mocked American POWS who were captured as not being heroes-a disgrace to all who have fought, died and been taken prisoner in wars against terrorism.—He has advocated the unlawful torture of prisoners of war-a war crime.—He has promoted as a legitimate military tactic the unlawful terrorizing of America’s foreign enemies by deliberately killing their family members-a war crime.—In short, Trump is an unhinged egomaniac who shows disdain for law and who runs his mouth without engaging his brain. He plays directly into the hands of America’s critics at home and abroad by demonstrating, ad nauseum, his disdain for American values and institutions and, in so doing, is serving as a destructive force in this nation’s life, well-being, political health and international stature.As far as the cartoon supposedly being in “poor taste,” it was drawn depicting Trump who, in his regularly-displayed combination of poor taste and poor judgment, is threatening decency, civil behavior, sound governmental policies and national interests.Your position seems to be one of ignoring the grievous behavior of Trump the Violator and, instead, going after the messengers who call him out on his tasteless, terrorizing violations of civilized norms of behavior.Finally, if you are offended by what you regard as the cartoon’s supposed “poor taste,” please recall the words of Benjamin Franklin (who was the editorial cartoonist for his own newspaper, the Pennsylvania Gazette), and who observed that “if all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little printed.”The cartoon stands. And, as much as cartoonists will miss him for all the gawd-awfully good material he provides us, Trump will fall.

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