ViewsAmerica by Cartoon Movement-US for July 11, 2010

  1. Lorax
    iamthelorax  almost 14 years ago

    There is one nagging question I can’t shake. Israel is always referred to as “our most important ally in the middle east.

    What exactly is it that they do, except not be muslim?

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  2. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    lorax; spot on. They don’t have oil or anything the west wants.

    It’s just that Bible nuts need Israel to exist for their Apocalypse to begin.

    …that any because after 1945, we had to park the jews somewhere (we couldn’t accept them as part of us, oh nooooooooo)

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  3. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Plenty of terrorist ties on both sides of the fence. Y’know, like “if we didn’t have the IRS that guy wouldn’t have flown into that building” or “sure, let’s execute gays in Uganda simply for being gay or being friends with them.”

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  4. Scan0008b
    rogcbrand  almost 14 years ago

    Well, let’s see. Israel is a civilized democracy, occupying a very, very tiny fraction of the land in the Middle East. The Muslim nations put gays to death, stone women to death for being raped, impose a theocratic autocracy on their people, don’t allow freedom of speech, freedom of religion, etc. Iran is even making it against the law to have a mullet!

    But all you “progressive”, “tolerant”, “diversity loving” liberals stick up for those fanatic Muslims and bash Christians, America and Israel.

    How hypocritical, how dishonest, how disgusting!

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 14 years ago

    A “civilized democracy” where only one side, determined by their religion, gets a vote that actually counts, and a history going back several thousand years of attacking their neighbors to take their lands.

    All the fighting over this tiny parcel of land, actually one city, has all those religions committed to the laws of Moses, like stoning women, and disrespectful sons, to death- yep, the “civilized” ones now use guided missiles (not unguided simple rockets), and the threat of using nuclear weapons, again, out killing each other, claiming they are “peaceful” in their intent.

    Ants have the same social structure, and avoid the pretense.

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  6. Avatar 3532
    jiriji  almost 14 years ago

    It’s one nation of Semitic people attacking another nation of Semitic people - quite ironic when you consider the cries of anti-Semitism that are sometimes flung about.

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  7. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Brandon; That’s exactly why I want to encourage Iranians to overthrow their regime.

    What are YOU doing about it?

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  8. Missing large
    dwnoname  almost 14 years ago

    according to joshua, the hebrews killed every last cannanite man woman and child on the face of the earth, ie; total genocide

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  9. Scan0008b
    rogcbrand  almost 14 years ago

    dtroutma, you are totally ignoring the FACT that Muslim nations give few rights to women, don’t allow freedom of religion, ban freedom of speech- hey they even kill cartoonists in Europe who dare to offend them! Of course you bash Christians ALL THE TIME, and we know how we Christians are always killing all those people who offend us with cartoons of Jesus, etc., or art like a jar of urine with a cross in it. Funny how you hypocritical, dishonest liberals are always trying to equate the Islam as no worse than Christianity or the Jews, despite all that.

    But you, dtroutma, have shown, time after time, that you loathe America, Christianity, people who don’t agree with perversion, drug use, etc. You may not love Islam, but you seem to feel that any enemy of America and Christians and Israel is your friend.

    I’m not sure who irritates me more- you with your ultra-leftist bias that never speaks a single word of truth, or the spammers trying to sell their communist slave labor products.

    Corosive Frog, nice! Just what did your hero Obama do to support those protesters? He’s shown he doesn’t want to risk offending the fanatic theocracy running Iran, so he didn’t even lend the slightest vocal support to the protesters! His outrage at Arizona trying to enforce the immigration laws that are in the books is a million times more than any outrage he had for Iran killing and torturing protesters.

    Sorry, but Obama could do far more than a million ordinary people like me. But I’m sure, as happens 100% of the time with you lefties, you’ll have some excuse for Obama.

    dwnoname, I’ll let you in on a secret. Life thousands of years ago was brutal. Did the Israelis commit atrocities back then? Yeah, just as various European, Native American, Asian and Africans, including Muslims did throughout much of human history. Even Muslim Turkey was committing genocide against the Kurds only about 100 years ago. I’m sure my Irish, English, German and Swiss ancestors have among them a few who took part in some horrible deeds like that. Am I responsible for what they did back then. As just one example, the people of England don’t quite represent the original settlers. Celts came and slaughtered the original stone age people there, then Romans came, then Anglo-Saxons, then Vikings and their French cousins the Normans all came. That sort of series of invasions took part in every corner of the world. Would that be considered right today? No, but it’s the way things worked back then. We can look back with elitist arrogance on our ancestors, crowing about how we are so enlightened, that if we had been alive back then, there’s no way we’d have ever done the same bad things… But people 1000 years from now- if humanity is still around- could possibly look back on even the most “environmentally conscious” person and think they were criminally wasteful. What seems normal, justifiable or even good at one time in history may be considered horrible later on.

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  10. Img 0004
    dfowensby  almost 14 years ago

    about the USS Liberty: that was a busted plan by LBJ to drag the UAR into war with us (the unmarked jets were supposed to be construed as egyptian), so we could seize saudi and egyptian territory and the oil with it. unfortunately, there were too many witnesses, the 3 gunboats flew israeli naval flags, and LBJ’s “I want that ship sent to the bottom!”, all escaped the oval office…..we paid israel to murder american sailors for arab oil. god bless america. we need it.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 14 years ago

    I agree with Brandon’s first comment, not the others.

    Israel and America share the heritage of Judeo-Christian biblical principles from God’s revealed scriptures. Both modern nations promote human rights, liberty and freedom in government, education, and general acceptance of “do unto others as you want others to do to you”…..

    Israel’s and the US’s enemies, currently the most dangerous, are worldwide Jihadists citing Allah’s rewards for killer/suicides and a plot to overthrow all non-Islamic governments. In the US, this plot is well on the way with our tolerant and anti-Christian universities promoting the addition of Sharia Law that when spread will NULLIFY EVERY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT THE USA HAS.

    All of you ignore and rule out God’s Will, and God’s Power and God’s sovereign plan for earth…..those Christians who are loyal to the Bible see prophecies being fulfilled and God’s schedule moving right along! There is coming a date on our calendar when anti-God humans will run out of time to choose God’s side…just like the evil humans did in the days before God carried out His promise and sent the global Flood. When this next “rain” begins, you mockers of Faith will learn that what God says, God means.

    Genesis 12:3 “(God said) I will bless them that bless (Jews, children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob)…and curse him that curses (Jews)…”

    The USA has been blessed since Prez Truman recognized Israel May 1948 and other presidents supported Israel. But Obama has been cursing Israel since Jan.2009; and we see the problems the US is now in the midst of!

    Many Christians are praying for God to give America a revival of Faith, and be justified in beginning again to bless the USA that will be blessing Israel again.

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  12. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Obama doesn’t have to think for us. Obama don’t support the Iranian opposition and I don’t care. I do support them.

    It’s that maybe american support can give the impression that that movement is sponsored by americans and take their legitimacy away.

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  13. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    And taxpayer, you’re as superstitious as the iranian nut who said earthquakes were caused by women dressing “indecently”.

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  14. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    “or art like a jar of urine with a cross in it. ”

    That’s not art, that’s a pathetic publicity stunt. And it worked!

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  15. Wombat wideweb  470x276 0
    4uk4ata  almost 14 years ago

    “In the US, this plot is well on the way with our tolerant and anti-Christian universities promoting the addition of Sharia Law”

    Are you seriously claiming US universities are promoting the ADOPTION of Sharia law, here?

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  16. Jollyroger
    pirate227  almost 14 years ago


    If you have links to sources that talk about the Liberty, please share. I find it hard to believe that LBJ would sponsor an attack on a US Navy SIGINT ship, of all things. The ELINT alone would give away what type of jets and ships they are.

    I did that stuff in the Navy.

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    rfischer Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Wow. Bradon’s quite the rabid anti-Muslim bigot. There are a billion Muslims in the world, many in the US, and many, if not most, treat women as equals while here in the US, there are still many Christians who treat women as 2nd-class citizens.

    Israel, unlike civilized countries, institutionalizes religious discrimination, attacks its neighbors regularly, and has a long history of violating human rights and state terrorism.

    Anti-Muslim hate is the 21st century anti-Jew hate.

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  18. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    “Anti-Muslim hate is the 21st century anti-Jew hate.”

    Many anti-muslim jokes are recycled anti semite jokes. One of those Muhammad (though it was just a drawing, for chrissake!) reminds me of 1930’s german cartoons of jews.

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  19. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 14 years ago

    Which, Arabs are Semites, most Muslims aren’t Arabs- losers with weak minds still haven’t figured it out yet.

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  20. Scan0008b
    rogcbrand  almost 14 years ago

    rfischer, so, typical of the pro-Muslim, anti-American, anti-Jewish leftists, you try to portray Israel as some barbaric land, while Muslims are these enlightened people who stand for freedom! Of course that ignores that Muslim nations have no freedom of religion, they have no freedom of speech, they do take away the freedoms of women, and countless thousands of Muslims blow innocent people up- deliberately targeting innocent men, women and children, and the vast majority of those blown up are Muslims that they disagree with!

    Now go back to marching with your Imam Obama in his Jihad to establish the Nanny State Caliphate in America.

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