Steve Breen for July 04, 2010

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    kennethcwarren64  almost 14 years ago

    But it’s light is dimming as we let those who spread fear to control us cause us to turn away our true American values.

    Thanks to the fear mongers (the terrorist are everywhere, illegials are destroying our economy, the out to destroy US) when other countries and people look toward America what they see is us building walls, giving away our freedoms under the Patriot Act, holding people in prisions without charging them, and a country that appears to be shaking a fist at the world.

    For a Democracy to work you must have compromise, you must have citizens that are willing to work together, but what we have now is an angry fring that is slowly destroying us because they are so full of fear and anger.

    WE must work to save our freedoms, because they are slipping away.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 14 years ago

    We were told for eight years to fear everything, by two men who refused to face the fear of war, unless they were sending someone else. They used the only successful attack on the mainland U.S. to drive more fear, and more fearsome legislation, and wars, down our throats.

    Now that we do have a chance to recover, their minions still monger fear instead- cowardice and treason is more like it.

    Liberty did not come from those afraid to work with their neighbors. Liberty did not come from those afraid to confront a little sacrifice, financial, or leisure, to step forward for true safety for all. Those who hoard their “liberty” behind a bank book, or a flag pin, or a funny hat that despoils that very flag, for “patriotic symbolism” of course, are the threat to liberty. Those who gave away our precious resources, to their friends and corporate sponsors, threatened our liberty the same as sea life in the Gulf, because for over 8 years they refused to stand between their friends and profit.

    We need to re-light the torch of liberty. It doesn’t depend on being able to walk into the crown of a STATUE, but rather to walk into the streets and say- WE’VE HAD IT WITH YOUR FEAR AND LIES! It is time to find competent leadership in Congress, not cowards with tans, or snide comments, who avoid progress because THEY got voted out of power. It is time for a LOYAL OPPOSITION TO STEP UP, and take charge of their own, not some cowards leading them who declare the war THEY STARTED is lost.

    We need Democrats who support democracy, and Republicans who actually support the REPUBLIC! Stop the partisan bickering that only profits those of wealth, and work toward a future where posterity prospers, not just old coots in tall towers.

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    myming  almost 14 years ago

    KEEP THAT FLAME GOING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    kennethcwarren64  almost 14 years ago

    TROUT - Great post.

    As I said on another post everyone who signed the Constitutions had parts that they hated, but they signed it because it was necessary for America. They argued, they discussed, they put forth ideas, but most of all, when it was approved, the supported it – That is the reason they are called Patroits.

    For a democracy to work we must all work together, the problem we have now is that a fringe element is so caught up in their hate and anger that they would rather see America fall then compromise.

    The sad thing is that they wrap themselves in the flag and call themselves Patroits.

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  5. Dsc02351
    mangoman99  almost 14 years ago

    ^ “Do not judge a man until you walk one mile in his moccasins” didn’t work so well for our continent’s Native Americans, eh Bruce? Our maybe it did–after enough warriors took the walk, they decided to fight. But of course, “manifest destiny” carried the blue-eyed devil to victory over the godless savages.

    Glad to read your posted observation of trout’s truisms.

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    Magnaut  almost 14 years ago

    obama is pissing on it….we should piss back

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