Bob Gorrell for June 29, 2010

  1. Warcriminal
    WarBush  almost 14 years ago

    I don’t know about you but this is against the rules. And why is she wearing guy gear (I wonder)?

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    dwnoname  almost 14 years ago

    by all accounts kagan knocked ‘em all out of the park

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  3. Prr
    Loco80  almost 14 years ago

    Guy gear? You can see a cup?

    Haven’t seen that account yet. All I’ve seen makes her look fairly sheepish.

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    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    The what-now..? Kagan handled all of her questioning superbly.

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    mommieburger  almost 14 years ago

    Apparently, Gorrell didn’t see the hearings today. It was a farce. Pols were preening for the camera more than asking real tough questions.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 14 years ago

    WC- why are you worried about ??? Oh, wait, yep throw a dead fish to Sessions, Graham, and the DADT “manly men”.

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    kennethcwarren64  almost 14 years ago

    Poor cartoon, no one nominated by the DEMS will ever receive or expect softballs.

    The GOP still have bucket of mud to use, and matter what her answers are they will scream LIBERIAL!!! & ACTIVISTS

    Whoops – I forgot the GOP loves ACTIVISTS just so long as they are Conservative.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 14 years ago

    I watched part of the GOP Senators question Kagan; they were polite and gentlemanly and no one threw a “hardball”..

    Sessions, a well-versed authority on our court system, tried in vain to get a straight and honest reply/answer from Kagan, but she did an Oscar-winning performance of pretending to be what she is not….she is nearly as good at Fakery as the President who nominated her.

    On the Mean and Nasty side, I watched Democrats smear and denigrate GOP nominees….Bork….a superior legal intellect….trashed and rejected…Thomas…target of the dirtiest character assassination ever done in the Senate… and the Democrats had help from an anti-GOP MSMedia!

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    petergrt  almost 14 years ago

    The biggest problem with most of the GOP senators is that they let the Democrats treat them as adversaries, while they call and treat the Democrats as friends … .

    Why did all but 3 GOP senators vote to confirm Ginsberg?

    GOP needs lessens in Chicago-style political combat, or we are doomed …

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    Odon Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    The GOP senators “call and treat the Democrats as friends”…?

    Wow peter you need to expand your reading/viewing a little.

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    kennethcwarren64  almost 14 years ago

    PETE - My God Man, how could you make such a statement?

    That is so far from the truth that I can understand why I fear the GOP, if people like you support them and can make such statements it means that there is nothing they wont say and do. I don’t know why you hate America so much, but maybe you should consider moving to another country where you don’t have to worry about facts and the truth.

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