Chip Bok for October 03, 2015

  1. Pig
    jonesb  over 8 years ago

    Why do liberal trolls read conservative cartoons and why do conservative trolls read liberal cartoons? Both must live on the bile they get from spewing out their hate for each other. The truth is they’re both (Democrats and Republicans) part of the most corrupt government in the history of the world and the trolls can’t see it for all the bile they generate every morning.

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  2. P1030246
    louieglutz  over 8 years ago

    you enjoy giving mass murderers the publicity they crave? that way we can be assured of more copy cats, which I’m sure you will also enjoy.

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  3. Missing large
    ARodney  over 8 years ago

    Obama has been ahead of the neo-cons at every step of the way. Let Putin get Russia involved. It worked so well in Afghanistan.

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  4. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 8 years ago

    The invasion of Iraq. The gift that keeps on giving.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 8 years ago

    Well, it seems we bombed our own allies in Afghanistan today, again, so we work hard at keeping up.

    The application of “intelligence” on all sides in the region, by all sides, is just a game of pin the tail on the donkey, and all sides ARE wearing blindfolds against facts.

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  6. Paint corn
    kernelcorny Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Ever since World War 2 D-Day invasion, (when the allies fooled Hitler and the world with deceptions about when and where the assault would take place),…the Democrats&Republicans believe they can cover up anything,…be it carpet bombing Laos, Cambodia, & Vietnam,or the cover-ups of Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, the Clintons, & the Bushes.And the mainstream media press will cooperate, the same way the disappearance of Jews & Nazi death camps were kept secret in USAmerica, (until the Soviets published a headline about Auschwitz towards the end of World War 2).…And if the truth does become headline news, Democrats, Republicans, & mainstream mass media are always innocent of any prior cover-up.Because ranking DemocratsRepublicans & mainstream media get their information from the mainstream media?

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  7. Idiocracy  1
    Dave Ferro  over 8 years ago

    Excellent cartoon!!!

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    kline0800  over 8 years ago

    there is no “Reason” used by the Obama White House that justifies “doctoring the Intel” (ie, LYING TO THE WORLD).-Most Americans have no confidence in this regime, having witnessed continual propaganda given to the MSM that proves later to have been false.

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