ViewsMidEast by Cartoon Movement-US for June 29, 2010

  1. Thegayphilosopher
    ButchInWaukegan  almost 14 years ago

    Gaza is a 1.5 million concentration camp, and after the flotilla the whole world is watching. I’ld say that’s a goal.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 14 years ago

    Egypt….the cartoonist sides with the so-called “Palestinians” who have Hamas and street terrorists in control who have plans keep up the daily missile shooting at Israeli civilian neighbors…while also keeping up the terrorist bombings of innocent citizens, including children on buses and in school, weddings, markets, whereever people carry on public activities.

    Egypt…a nation whose government supports “Taliban-type” Shar’iah Laws…..and which has a deep-seated hatred of Democratic Israel which gives citizens liberties and rights never found in Arab nations….even the Arab citizens enjoy those rights and are represented by elected office in the national government, the Knesset.

    What hypocrisy on the part of this cartoonist.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 14 years ago

    P.S. if only Uncle Sam was “holding hands with Israel”.. under Obama, our military agreements still function, as in the naval response to Iran’s threat to join the “flotilla”…to provoke Israel into a military defense response…(now cancelled by Iranian leaders because the US sent ships) …but US-Israeli diplomatic relations since Jan.2009, under Obama, are at the lowest level since Prez Truman was the first to recognize Israel as a nation May 1948.

    USA, IMO, is being punished by God who was and is the First Zionist, who promised Abraham (Genesis 12) that He would reward all who treat the Chosen Nation and Jews well, and He would punish all who abuse them.

    The “peace effort” led by “the Big 4”….US a partner…is an unwise political campaign to weaken Israel, to deny one nation the right of defense that all nations have even under the UN resolutions!

    Our leaders are aiding and abetting those who want ALL the Land…step by step, and piece by piece.

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  4. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    I’ll have trouble believing America is fighting islamism as long as there will be an american government supporting Saudi Arabia…

    ….or as long as I’ll see Stephen Harper shake hands with a saudi prince.

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  5. Wombat wideweb  470x276 0
    4uk4ata  almost 14 years ago

    “our military agreements still function,”

    Yeah, like the ones to Turkey, as a fellow NATO member?

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  6. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    ^ If we all kill each other then Jesus will come back faster.

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  7. Pales
    Palestino  almost 14 years ago

    We don’t have any problem with the jews or judaism ,in fact, they were never treated better elsewhere..

    The problem began with the zionist movement and the twisted idea of “Israel”..which was built on confiscating the land and expelling the people..

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  8. Scan0008b
    rogcbrand  almost 14 years ago

    Palestino, Israel occupies a tiny, tiny, tiny portion of the Middle East. The VAST majority is owned by Muslims. Those Muslims make trillions off of the oil they sell, but as much as they talk of the poor Palestinians, how much do they contribute to raise them out of poverty? And of the aid the world, including the U.S. gives to aid the Palestinians, how much makes it through the greedy hands of the Palestinian leadership?

    Arafat’s wife was living like a queen in Paris, shopping at all the most expensive stores, living off of the aid money that should have been helping poor people, but the Palestinian people never complained about that- all their anger is focused on Israel- the only decent, civilized democracy in the Middle East.

    If the Israelis were taken away, the Palestinians would still be impoverished and violent, because that is what they have always been and always will be.

    They are just jealous of Israel, because out of a sea of nearly a billion Muslims, living in hatred, poverty and ignorance, a tiny group of Jews are able to create a modern, civilized land on a very tiny chunk of land.

    Perhaps the Muslims need to work on treating their own people right, using the trillions in oil money to help their massively impoverished people and try living in peace with the rest of the world?

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  9. Thegayphilosopher
    ButchInWaukegan  almost 14 years ago

    Gaza is a 1.5 million person concentration camp.

    Israel does not ban certain items — they ban everything and have a list of about 80 items that are allowed. The list constantly changes. The other day Israel stopped the importation of 7 respirators! They don’t allow the importation of shoes because they could be used as part of a military uniform! It’s madness.

    Israel is maintaining Gaza as a 1.5 million person concentration camp and the US government is too timid and intimidated to voice only the mildest objection.

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    dwnoname  almost 14 years ago

    a hundred years ago the terrorists in the middle east called themselves zionists

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  11. Pales
    Palestino  almost 14 years ago


    We don’t mind being poor as long as we are free ..The west has more population and greater terretory..and its the place where many jews came from..and they can fit in a tiny tiny country like Switzerland..

    talking about demiocracy..why don’t you ask palestinians in Israel about it..and what happened to kenesset members like Hneen Zoabi because she participated in the freedom flotilla?

    Don’t you know that Israel describes itself as jewish before being democratic.. and that means Muslims and Christians of Palestinian origin can’t be equal in rights with other citizens..?and that’s not all..

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  12. Pales
    Palestino  almost 14 years ago

    This is an invitation to see Palestine in the early years of the 20th century before the jews came in on the shoulders of the British soldiers..enjoy the “desert”..

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  13. Pales
    Palestino  almost 14 years ago

    More pictures of the “DESERT”

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  14. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    ^ I have compassion for your people. My ancestors, the acadians, were the first white settlers of Canada in 1604. They were french catholics. Back then, Canada didn’t have the territory it has now; it was just the Maritimes (Acadia) and the Saint-Lawrence river. The rest was yet to be explored. In 1713, the english conquered the Maritimes and in 1755, catholic, french-speaking acadians were expelled from their land.

    Many refused to leave and hid in the woods where they fought a guerilla war against the english troops (and that’s not easy in the winter, by -20 celsius, with snow up to your waist). Many re-settled in Louisiana and developped the Cajun culture.

    Well not the Acadians are still there. I am still there with many more; I was baptized catholic, french is my frist language and will be the one of my children. Now the french-canadians and the english-canadians run the country side by side. Acadians now have run businesses, credit unions, a univversity, schools, hospitals. In Moncton (about 40% acadian, 60% english) you can be acadian, go to a french university, have english friends, work at an english place, do business with acadians, say “Bonjour” and get “Hi!” as a reply.

    …and no one gets beat up or killed just because of their language.

    That is what I wish for you guys in the Holy Land.

    Someday. Can’t be soon enough.

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  15. Canstock3682698
    myming  almost 14 years ago


    i’ve never encountered a speech made by you, always small zingers…

    i like very much what you said.

    how do the acadians feel about cats ? if i move, may i take him w/ me ?

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  16. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    Tiger-striped-Mittaines; It’s okay if he’s not a mouser, ‘cause I’m not sharing my mice with anyone!

    Buzz the cat says; Tell him to stay away from the brown catnip…

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  17. Canstock3682698
    myming  almost 14 years ago

    unfortunately, he IS into the brown catnip, but what’s worse is that he’s a kitteh krakhead.(de-hydrated, flaked tuna).

    between his habits and mine it’s getting financially prohibitive !

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