Jack Ohman for July 27, 2015

  1. Screen shot 2018 03 04 at 8.43.30 am
    larryrhoades  almost 9 years ago

    Yes, a good cartoon.But the caddy should have a crucifix in the bag.

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  2. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member almost 9 years ago
    For at least the last 30-40 years, the Republican party has relied on the Right Wing Religious types to be the energy of their party. The party consisted of them and some Rich Guys who used them to do the work in their campaign offices and run their propaganda machines. (There were ordinary people who voted Republican, but they didn’t run the party).The Rich Guys accomplished this by telling the RWR types that they agreed with them on the issues that mattered to them— birth control, civil rights, abortion, conspicuous exercise of Christian activities ( Christmas displays, public prayer, etc). However, once they got elected, they forgot about those things until the next time they needed the RWR to show up and run the campaign offices, since their actual agenda was to improve conditions for Rich Guys.It took a generation, but eventually, the RWRs figured out that they were getting shafted on a regular basis and decided to take over the party and run RWRs instead of the Rich Guys. The Rich Guys responded by forming superpacs and trying to put enough money into the elections to buy them. Now the RGs have figured out that are either accomplishing nothing with all that money or they are buying the elections for the RWRs, who are no longer believing much of what the Rich Guys say, so they are losing interest in buying the elections at all.Problem for both sides is that the RWRs don’t have enough people to win an election. The Tea Party has a negative rating of around 65%. And, the RGs don’t have enough money to buy enough votes to win an election without them. There is no point in broadcasting an ad 50 times if the majority of voters didn’t believe it the first time they heard it.So, much as they might not get along, have entirely different agendas, and a history that both sides try to ignore, they have no chance of surviving at all without each other. Consequently, the Republican party will try to patch up their differences and present a united front. They simply have no other choice.
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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 9 years ago

    Ike would have nuked the caddy.

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