Rebecca Hendin for June 04, 2015

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 9 years ago

    I find the real absurdity to be folks trusting corporate America more than “government”, when they largely WROTE those laws for Congress to pass! Now with revision, they have even more power. And my no means allow the FTC to block any of the mergers in those corporations, creating monopolies to control not just money, but YOUR information and identity. Better patent your DNA now, cause it’s about to become corporate property, given the leanings of the courts.

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  2. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  almost 9 years ago

    We are well on our way to being a corporatocracy. The patriot got slipped past people because of the Shock Factor of what was done on 9-11. And were naive enough to believe everything the goverment told us was true.There is a stategic movement called the Shock and awe, or by “the shock coctrine” in the book by Naomi Klein, wherein the victim is shocked into immobilization, then what ever they do to the victim is the awe part. It is caused by a Big Crisis Event and if mother nature doesn’t provide, the powers in charge make’s an effective power play.

    I suspect the TPP is going to be another one of those, a top secret plan, so secretive that congress can go into a locked room to read it but can’t take notes and can’t have any photos taken. What will THAT lead to since the president wants it done NOW and wants to keep it in SECRET, until after it’s passed on it’s Fast Track.

    Get out there and find out as much as you can about the TPP before you send them money and before it is Passed!

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