Bob Gorrell for May 19, 2015

  1. 1006
    sw10mm  about 9 years ago

    Never had any, how could it be going down?

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    Interesting a big part of the damage to her credibilty is she bought all the lies Democrats were forced to accept, or be accused of treason if they went against Bushco and Cheney’s lies. Yes, it wasn’t just the lies, but also the threats and intimidation waged across the country attacking any member of Congress who fought back. My Senator voted against all their proposals, but because he was on the Intelligence Committee, what he knew was highly classified, and couldn’t be released, he coul only vote, and did.

    Had he succeeded in defeating the Bush proposals, hundreds of thousands would still be alive, and had the first Bush backed the Shia in ‘91, and followed up, Saddam may well have been forced off the scene without our little war. Sadly we might still have the situation of today, with Shia trying to get even with Saddam, and Saddam’s former army (ISIL) trying to get even with the Shia, and the U.S..

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