Jack Ohman for March 13, 2015

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    Just spoke with a friend yesterday who’s a disabled Army veteran, who did EOD work in Afghanistan and Iraq. Part of his difficulty in getting his VA disabilty processed was that roughly 80% of his “support” documents the Army provided, had been redacted!!

    Same problem my disabled son is having with the Navy, not the VA, as they too redacted all the proofs in his claim and appeals, even though one document required the signature of the Secretary of the Navy to be allowed in his review with military doctors, who said his disability WAS combat related. The Navy says “not”, so they deduct his VA payment from his DOD retirement, thus reducing the military’s “cost”. They’ve done that to thousands of veterans to give them the shaft, and reduce the Pentagon’s “cost of war” calculations.

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