Steve Benson for March 08, 2015

  1. Missing large
    twclix  about 9 years ago

    Spot on, sadly, spot on.

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  2. Cal dance
    Robert Lowe  about 9 years ago

    Race baiting fool!

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    Profiling isn’t hardly limited to Ferguson, nor is using the cops as a revenue source. That profiling might be racial, but it’s also commonly profiling of out of area license plates, or even those license plate frames that indicate an ’Out of towner".

    On speed traps, Oregon had a famous one in Jordan Valley, and when in Alabama back in the day, had a small town where the 25 mph signs were literally hidden behind bushes, and on a stretch of straight road with a 65 mph speed limit. That 25 mph stretch was well under a mile long, making radar trap the only method used as the distance was too short to actually pace a violator.

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    timgilley  about 9 years ago

    Everything Obama/Holder said about Ferguson at the beginning was a lie. The hope for indictment based on agitation and lying witnesses failed, but the machinery of “community activism” was in full force and needed to vent somewhere. So it goes. If Obama/Holder can’t get satisfaction here some other little town will fall prey.

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    echoraven  about 9 years ago

    “’cept if you were white, you had an unofficial license to get away with speeding.”.Perhaps, but sometimes I think “traffic enforcement” is actually “revenue generation”. .This cartoon reminds me of a article about some police chief complaining about the WAZE app where users can report where speed traps are. The officer’s complaint was that it would leave officer’s vulnerable to miscreants, which was total bull. WAZE cannot keep track of police just report where they were sighted. He probably knew (but didn’t care) that someone driving with WAZE gets that “police spotted” notice they reduce their speed, which is suppose to be the goal of speed traps.

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