The Buckets by Greg Cravens for April 05, 2015

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    mbzylnf2  about 9 years ago

    Is this based on a true story?

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    jbmlaw01  about 9 years ago

    My older son and I went to a Braves afternoon game in 1999, shortly after we moved to our house. We left my wife outside working in her garden. When we returned 5 hours later, she was still outside and sweltering in the spring heat. Since then we installed keypad locks on two doors and the garage.

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    Oge  about 9 years ago

    I always keep a spare car key in my wallet and a spare house key in my car. So as long as I have my pants on when I close the door I’m good.

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  4. Avatareddie05
    gregcartoon Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Yep. This is based on a true story.The hospital storyline is in the daily cartoons and the Sunday is a… whattaya callit?… separate reality? Different continuity? It all goes back to physical publishing. Some papers don’t run the dailies, but only run the Sundays. Some papers only run the dailies and not the Sundays. To avoid complete confusion, we allow a sort of quasi-confusion.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Sarah is so amazing!!!

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    Number Three  about 9 years ago

    Fantastic! Even though this is a Sunday strip, That kind of thing would most likely occur on a Monday

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  7. Siberian tigers 22
    Hunter7  about 9 years ago

    Left the apartment this morning… got down almost both flights of stairs and thought … did I lock the door? Went back up – nope. poor Sarah. Any kids home or in the neighbourhood she can borrow? Shove through a window?

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  8. Anishnawbe
    Allan CB Premium Member about 9 years ago

    String-theory confusion, with a bit of quantum entanglement for fun. :D

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