Jim Morin for December 14, 2014

  1. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Citibank-written legislation is just the first of the Republican gifts to the banking industry and the .01%.-It’s a gift that will keep on giving — to them.-I wonder what Paul Ryan and the other deficit chickenhawks think it will do to lower the deficit/debt.

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  2. Mooseguy
    moosemin  over 9 years ago

    Like I’ve posted before; the pols are not really trying to hide their actions anymore. They do it right before our eyes, smug in the knowledge that we cannot do anything about it!

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    ajnotales  over 9 years ago

    Perhaps, Wall St/Washington DC vs. the Rest of America…

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    chazandru  over 9 years ago

    How many commentators on GC believe that it is a good thing that the GOP increased the amount of money corporations and individuals can give a political office seeker? The first five Presidents of the USA all wrote at length of the threat money given to politicians would offer to our Republic. They were adamant that money should NOT be involved in the seeking of political office and that those offices should be held by people who wanted to serve the people, not just a few people and their selves. Politicians constantly invoke the will of the founders when they run for office or try to frighten us into voting against the ‘other side’, but if people take the time to read the letters of our Presidents and other founders, we quickly learn that today’s politician is less like those who signed the Declaration of Independence and assembled the Constitution, and more more like Imperial Europe. Both parties have set themselves above the law, and made voting an exercise in futility or simply too bothersome for our bread and circuses culture to deal with. Corporations are not people, and most are international concerns with no real loyalty to the nation that helped them become wealthy and powerful.Respectfully,C.

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member over 9 years ago

    One of these days all those middle class conservatives are going to wake up an realize the Republicans really are not on their side. During the last recession it was the middle class that took the brunt of it in their pension plans, 401Ks and housing investments. The banks made out, corporations still have a ton of money, much of it parked off shore, and brokerage firms did a lot of buying and selling and most are still healthy.

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    manteo16nc  over 9 years ago

    But not a smidgen of corruption, right, Mr. President?

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    While nothing was expected of the Republicans but more ripoff for the rich, the Democrats mis-lead by Pelosi and Reid have rolled over like a dachshund with no legs left. While “blue dogs” have been responsible for most of it in the last six years, the refusal to back their own President, and the people who elected them, is dismal.

    While Republicans need less PCP, the Democrats do need to produce a little testosterone. That dog is like our pet in Viet Nam, HER name was “No Balls”. (But at least she’d bite any pilot who wouldn’t let her fly with us! and they learned!)

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