Steve Breen for December 05, 2014

  1. Cylonb
    Mephistopheles  over 9 years ago

    This guy was selling loose cigarettes and he ends up dead at the hands of overly enthusiastic police officers. If there is a police department more ripe for civil rights investigation by the justice department then NY then I can’t think of it. At least, in Ferguson, you had a violent confrontation. This guy just didn’t want to be hauled off to jail.

    The Unfortunate truth of the Ferguson incident is that it told police officers around the nation – “You can shoot anyone with impunity as long as you say you felt threatened. Oh and make sure you shoot to kill because you don’t want him around to testify later.”

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member over 9 years ago

    It also told the nation that if you don’t like something start burning down buildings and cars, loot, and screw up traffic for all the people who are trying to go to work and be responsible. Worse yet Brown did rob a store, did beat on the officer and probably struggled over his gun. Garner is a much better example of police over reacting and most of the protests have been peaceful. Certainly a much better way to make a point and encourage change. Police need to take the time to try to resolve situations when they can, before they resort to force. They probably could have talked Garner down or at least over powered him without using a choke hold that was already banned by regulation. The police have a long way to go in earning community trust.

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    Mneedle  over 9 years ago

    I have a suggestion: whether you are black or white or some other race, this will work;

    1: do not rob stores.2: if a cop asks you to stop, stop.3: if you are being arrested, don’t resist.4: there are times when the police are out of line. When this happens, get lawyers involved.

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  4. Mooseguy
    moosemin  over 9 years ago

    With the current focus on the issue that some black men, who were found to be unarmed after the fact, were killed by a police officer, is it not just possible that some of them were threatening, were an imminent danger, and were disregarding an officer’s warning? And, were violently resisting arrest?I have no doubts that Blacks and Latinos face discrimination and hostility from many, and certainly have legitimate complaints. But the ones now being held up as martyrs by the Black community (Garner excluded) do not help their advance their cause.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    It is critical to have a RATIONAL conversation on race, from all sides being rational, which, it’s IMPOSSIBLE to talk when you actually can’t breath from CHOKING, because there’s no air crossing the vocal chords, as in when people need the Heimlich maneuver performed, they have to let people know visually, because they CAN’T TALK!

    Which, rational discussion on race doesn’t seem to happen because people can’t listen, or think, beyond their own perceptions, from any side.

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    manteo16nc  over 9 years ago

    “White America”. Now, to be clear, does this include white people with minority relatives, white people with non-white adopted kids, mostly white people, people who are mostly white, white people adopted by minority parents, white people married interracially, white people with non-white exes, white people living with minority partners…or just white people who live in the cartoonists’ head? Thanks for the useless stereotyping, Steve Breen.

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