Clay Bennett for November 24, 2014

  1. Missing large
    ARodney  over 9 years ago

    Nice, like the previous cartoon. And this is destroying the GOP, since they cannot agree on whether to stick their heads in the sand and let existing evil continue, or take action to be actively even more cruel. They cannot win on immigration. If John Boehner had half a brain, he’d take it off the table by letting the house pass the senate bill before it’s too late and the bill expires in the next session. But instead, he’ll ensure that the Republican primary will be a contest to see who can abuse the poor and powerless the most harshly.

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    “W” had the same problem, with the same folks, keeping him from a rare “good thing” he wanted to accomplish, GOP “Greedy Old P***ks” wouldn’t stand for it then, or now.

    The key to curing “illegal” lies in large part in bringing back what we used to have, successfully, as “legal”.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    ^I laugh at this stuff on “voters” because my brother told me Pat Brown’s people were paying Mexicans to vote down on 4th Ave. (Beverly Blvd). I went to check it out and folks were being paid and dragged in to vote: for NIxon! My dad partnered with Don Nixon for a while (he was a basically good guy), and we well knew Richard’s proclivities, proven when he had to resign, and be pardoned by Ford.

    It isn’t that folks lower or in the middle of the economic scale (blue collar) vote for Dems (I’m about equaly upset with that party now), but WHY would anyone earning less than $200 K a year vote for a Republican today? (That also hasn’t always been true, but since Reagan, sure is!)

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    ConserveGov  over 9 years ago

    While you Dems are at it, why not bring gang members and child molesters “Out of the shadows” too?

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