Chip Bok for November 05, 2014

  1. Missing large
    kline0800  over 9 years ago

    hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!-fake, and bad to the Nth degree!

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  2. Idiocracy  1
    Dave Ferro  over 9 years ago

    Obama… Truly a Lame Duck now!!! Whoo-hoo!

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  3. 1006
    sw10mm  over 9 years ago

    Let’s hope the newbies have the courage to prevent little o from further destroying the nation. They have the purse strings while little o only has a pen and a phone.

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  4. Violence based funding
    Incredulous  over 9 years ago

    You all should be more concerned that there is a lever of power than whose hand is on it. A fresh coat of paint doesn’t make it any less dangerous.


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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    Iraq- the failure from the start that should have seen most of Bush’s people in prison, and he AND Cheney impeached, at a minimum. We’ll be saddled with the costs for decades, and thousands of dead, thousands more wounded for life; yep that’s right wing chickenhawks want, and there’s profit in it.

    Think Veterans and do them a favor, don’t vote for the majority of Repbulicans, and don’t even THINK about a chickenhawk in the White House, and BTW! That includes Hillary!!

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    Anweir88: My year outside the wire was in ‘Nam, my multiple disabilities relate to that.. My son’s 5+ of his 13 years Navy were spent outside the wire, he never spent time on a boat, and he too is a disabled vet, who will never walk normally again after Iraq, and well, other places I can’t name.

    I went through Reagan and Bush 41 giving veterans the shaft, and Bush 43 did the same thing, while sending more in. Yep, we have friends USAF that have also done more interesting things than folks realize they do, which is why they dispise what the Bushies did to them.

    No more chickenhawks- ever!

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  7. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 9 years ago

    Amazing the critique on Obama’s policy after all Republican efforts were directed toward stopping his policy so they could criticize his lack of policy. The arrogance and incompetence lies with the Republican congress.

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  8. Violence based funding
    Incredulous  over 9 years ago

    Arrogance and incompetence are trademarks of “all” who think they have a right to tell anyone how to live their lives and are willing to kill them (by proxy) to prove it.


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