Walt Handelsman for October 24, 2014

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 9 years ago

    Canadians aren’t intimidated by a nut who proclaims "Islam’ as his rationale, like Tim McVeigh picked ,well whatever. “Sovereigns” and othe anti-government, anti-Constitution folks, like well the “Constitution Party” in Oregon, that has never read the document, are our problem.

    Like Candadians, I’m not afraid of Ebola, or “Islamic terrorists”. It’s the nut cases on the far right, and a few on the far left too, who are too cowardly, stupid, and violence prone, as long as it doesn’t riskTHEM, who are out to destroy the nation.

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  2. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 9 years ago

    The “T” word is over-used. What exactly is terrorism? By the American propaganda machine, it is any violence of Islam against Christian, regardless of cause. The opposite, Christian violence against Islam, is not terrorism, it is terrific. So isolated violence by two nut-jobs is terrorism. Shock and Awe that killed and maimed hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims in an illegal invasion of an innocent nation of what they were accused, that also destabilized a region and incited sectarian warfare probably for evermore, is not terrorism. .Attack by the isolated nut-job does not keep me awake, anymore than does being struck by lightning. But being collateral damage in indiscriminate attacks by warplanes and Predator drones flying over my land carrying out death and destruction and with which I have no defense, would worry me. .ISIL doing terrible things in defense of their homeland and consolidating territory are terrorists. Even though what they are doing is probably not much different that what could be found in the War of Independence, the American Indian Wars, and the American Mexican Wars. People can be very violent in defending their territory or perceived territory. Attacks by Predator drones in foreign lands that are estimated to kill only 4% of their intended targets, the rest being innocent civilian people, is not terrorism. .Me thinks we are being brain-washed.

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  3. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 9 years ago

    I doubt very much that at the heart of the al Quada and ISIS resistance (what the U.S. calls terrorism) is a holy war. Rather they invoke their God for strength and unity (like many in the West do) in the defense of their homeland against the invading foreigners who would like to control commerce and oil resources in their country. Hardly surprising the response is along Muslim beliefs when the country being invaded and where the oil is located is Muslim.

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  4. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 9 years ago

    “Do you have a Terrorism Alert System …in Austria?”

    As far as I know, I have not heard of any threat alert status change (I searched for Österreichish terrorismus Bedrohungslage). As a neutral country, with just peace-keeping operations, it doesn’t attract much hatred. That’s not to say there aren’t many Austrians who hate everyone else. Austrians do have the FPÖ to thank. They keep beating warning drums and issue threat alerts all the time; you’d love them. Except they’re also anti-Semetic.

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  5. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 9 years ago

    Trying to help out Churchy hereMy wife seemed puzzled by my question; she says she hasn’t heard anything of the like but I’m sure there’s one. They tested the Civil Protection alarm klaxons in Vienna last month so I’m sure there has to be one.I had a look on the Innenministerium’s website and I of course picked up on the Foreign Fighter briefings (news on Samra Kesinovic & Sabinas Selimovic is constant and always refer to it as well) but nothing about an increased status level.I’m in the Vienna office next Monday and I’ll ask my colleagues, you could try ask your colleagues in your office. I’m guessing they’ll be as puzzled as my wife ;-)Btw, my daughter’s class has American, Australian & British ex-pat kids but no Canadians. Any in your office? None in mine but my Canadian cousins’ facebooks mention honouring the 2 soldiers killed although they don’t seem to be overly paranoid.

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