Jeff Danziger for August 18, 2014

  1. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  almost 10 years ago

    “Yeah, drive off a cliff.”

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    nanellen  almost 10 years ago

    good suggestion. I don’t get the media saying women will vote for her. Not only am I a woman, but also a college professor- not liberal- so I do think for myself. She would not get my vote if she shoud be the Dem candidate.

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    frodo1008  almost 10 years ago

    If she does run, and the Republicans can not nominate a relative and intelligent moderate (if they can even find one after shutting down Jon Huntsman as they did), she will win the presidency in the highest land slide in history. At present I do not say whether or not that would be good or bad, but it IS what is going to happen if the Republicans do not get their act together!!

    The moderate Republicans need to stand up and be counted, or else they (and perhaps the country with them) will suffer the consequences. Especially, get rid of the ultra conservative tea party types, as the political reality is that only about 20% of the American voters vote that way, and 20% vote ultra liberal, and the 60% or so vote moderately in the middle. And despite what FOX NEWS, and the likes of Rush Limbaugh state, Hillary Clinton is NOT perceived as a liberal only by most moderate voters, and it is this perception that would put her into the White House against the likes of Bill Perry. This is because the far greatest number of Americans vote relatively in the middle (especially in presidential elections)!

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