Clay Bennett for March 03, 2010

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    kennethcwarren64  over 14 years ago

    Do the Tea Baggers realize that Obama has not raised taxes, and that the taxes they are paying right now are thanks to Bush and the GOP?

    As I’ve had said before, it must be nice to have stupid people that you can send out to do your dirty work.

    The GOP plan has always been to get people angry and upset and then tell them “it’s that person (group, party, etc.) fault go get them!” And once they get into power the GOP turns around an dumps on these very people, who never seem to learn.

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    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    “Twisted Eccentrics Aligned Party”

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    kennethcwarren64  over 14 years ago

    HARLEY - ???????????????????

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    btbass2 Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Harley, excuse me, but have you noticed that the US spends more than every industrialized nation in the world for our health care, but yet we’re 37th in the world for the health of our citizens? That puts us waaay behind most of Europe and Scandinavia that have government-sponsored health plans. Their plans are free to their citizens from cradle to grave, paid for by taxes. We have a higher infant mortality rate than every industrialized nation. We have higher obesity rates than most nations. But yet we pay the most for our “quality” coverage than all industrialized nations. The health insurance system we have discriminates against many of us by saying what will, or won’t, be covered by the insurance policy, what the doctor will get reimbursed for their service, etc. And yet, the major health insurance companies are reporting multi-billion dollar net profits in 2009 and are still asking for rate hikes of 24-39%. Here in Oregon, BC/BS has filed for a 24% rate increase and has had 4 years in a row of 20% + rate increases approved. Their profit margin (and other companies like them nationwide) is driving folks to give up their coverage. That’s why we’ve got 46-48 MILLION folks in the good ol’ US of A that don’t have insurance and their health is suffering as a result (and so are our local hospital’s emergency rooms who are providing care for the common cold and worse for folks who can’t afford to go to the doctor). The system is broken and that’s why President Obama is trying to get Congress to fix it. But, the health insurance and pharmaceutical lobbies are so strong, making campaign contributions to Congressional Democrats and Republicans alike, that I fear we won’t see meaningful “reform” come out of this Congress.

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    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    The simple fact is that annual “conservative” spending on defense has flushed more “taxpayer” money down the toilet for failed weapons systems than the cost of health care for all- for a decade. Individual taxes-as in subscription fees to cover benefits (yes those!) and revisions make that “cost” to the “taxpayer” far less than “right wing” projections. Health care won’t be free, but it will be a heck of a lot cheaper than “defense”, and the costs will be shared by those receiving the benefits.

    Never over-estimate the intelligence of an angry tax resister.

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    Magnaut  over 14 years ago

    dtrout….still haven’t been to a teaparty have you?…….we are not tax resisters we are tax increase resisters particularly when we look at how the money is spent…….this healthcare system / industry can be repaired significantly……but not this way

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    jqmcd  over 14 years ago

    …”best in the world”…

    Actually, surveys show France to have the best in the world.

    But the point is that life expectancy, cancer survival rates, infant mortality rates, are all better than the United States in several nations which have some form of publicly available health care.

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