Lisa Benson for July 25, 2014

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    chazandru  almost 10 years ago

    Where Muslim fundamentalists have taken over, there is no balancing act. The option given Christians is convert, leave, or die.Hopefully there won’t be people at the border ordering them to turn back and go home because they didn’t fill the paperwork first.It would be nice to think that the USA held the high ground on the issue of religious freedom within national borders, but there is ample footage of Americans protesting the construction of mosques and audio of Americans criticizing the Muslim faith. At least we aren’t killing the American Muslims and/or driving them away in order to take their possessions as IS/DA is doing. But we could do better, as could they.Respectfully,C.

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    kline0800  almost 10 years ago

    @Klondike….every person murdered by any Islamist Terror group deserves our grief and our determination to do something to support those who fight against Jihadists in any country, IMO.- am Christian, and specifically a Christian Zionist as Romans 9-11 chapters teaches us that is God’s ID for New Testament believers in Messiah Jesus.-I printed out 3 articles from the website url above, today.Facts are from the US Dept. of State and the CIA Factbook, an annual report on the nations of the world.-The Top Ten nations today persecuting Christians and Jews are all Islamic. In 2013 an average of 180 Christians were killed each month for their faith. Elsewhere I saw but did not print out the number of Christians killed by Islamics in power todate and it was in the Millions. The Jews can inform anyone asking what happened to them in all the countries where they had lived since Rome destroyed Jerusalem, when Islamics gained power. Execution or confiscation of property and leave with the clothes on your back was the rule. -I have seen news that groups like ISIS, the radical Sunni terror organization, also move into towns and ask each person what faith they are, and the Shiites are killed. Now that is proof that Islam is not the “religion of peace”….IMO.-How can any Free Nation government official choose to help terrorists such as Hamas? (as Obama and Kerry are doing, siding with Hamas supporters Turkey …..a leader just called Israel “Hitler”…..and Qatar, against Israel defending its survival. Many Sunni governments are supporting Israel’s defense operation protective edge!

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    oneoldhat  almost 10 years ago

    note to truist the statement " but but buuush " is banned as of 11/05 /2014

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    chazandru  almost 10 years ago

    I like the King of Jordan, Joadtom.C.

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    kline0800  almost 10 years ago

    @kmI hate liars, but so does God who says so many times in the Bible.I hate murderers, and so does God. Jesus raised hating a neighbor without cause to the sin of murder. All believers have a just and serious cause to hate mass murderers.-Muslims are not “fighting to protect themselves” from our criticisms! They refuse to admit that they have murdered, after killing “infidels” (that is truly “hate”) and they refuse to admit that even their own “honor killings” of family women is murder and sin.-You want me, one Christian, to love guilty killers of innocents?You want me, one Christian, to forgive all the millions of murders committed by Islamists? Do not hold your breath.-My love for Muslims is shown by my supporting ministries giving them the Bible Gospel to believe and trust God’s Son who came to live 33 years as a man, sinless, and pay for all mankind’s sins on the Roman cross, die and rise from the dead to defeat sin and death and Satan and offer believers forgiveness and eternal life with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit forever on an eternal earth and in the New Jerusalem.-that includes KM, you are invited. But Love of God requires hate for Satan and for sin.

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    louieglutz  almost 10 years ago

    it would seem that your history book starts in 2001. try looking a little farther back.

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    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    Joadtom: it was the West Bank, not “Jordan” that was supposed to be for Arab Palestinians, not Jewish Israelis. If you have contacts, you know that MANY Israelis are AGAINST the occupations, and settlements, but have been unable to take back control of the Kineset from the right wingers.

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    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    Joadtom: as you’re probably aware, ancient “Israel” extended to the Euphrates, modern Iraqis, as well as modern Israelis and their Arab counterparts as well as Persians, might take exception with drawing new boundaries there for modern “Israel”, though some in the extremist Zionist factions have proposed such.

    A mythical “being” couldn’t grant land to anyone, but the people who profess to that, of the thousands of sects around the world that place power in that same being, seem to think so.

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    oneoldhat  almost 10 years ago

    a multi religious group I belong to had had the mullah from the largest mosque speak he was pro isis and when asked about Israel ’s right to exist his answer " they do exist"

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    oneoldhat  almost 10 years ago

    in Egypt at least 65%+ of the vote were for the extremists

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