La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for August 02, 2014

  1. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 9 years ago

    So, who is this Kate Upton?! Actually, I for once agree with you, LA…

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  2. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  over 9 years ago

    excellent comic today!

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  3. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Must say Lalo you really nailed this strip. Totally agree with everything you said. As for the drugs, we may as well legalize them and at least get tax revenue out of the business.

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    TheEtruscan  over 9 years ago

    Hegemony is not what it is cranked up to be; there are downsides.

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  5. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  over 9 years ago

    First, have you ever read the “Protocols of Zion”? And how are you making a connection between them and immigration? Second, President Bush is the one who signed the law which makes it impossible to immediately send the vast majority of illegal immigrant children back to their countries (because they do not directly border the US). Third, illegal immigration of Mexicans is actually down. Not because of a wall. You’re welcome.Fourth, many of the financial problems that did send Mexicans here were the direct result of NAFTA (started by Poppy Bush, signed by Clinton).Fifth, you realize that at least in terms of the illegal children, the vast majority of them come from Honduras. It is, by the way, demonstrably not for economic reasons but truly due to the extreme violence (mostly at the hands of drug gangs which come from America and feed American drug users). Note that Nicaragua, which is much poorer than Honduras, has a very low illegal immigration rate to the US in large part because they also have a very low violence rate. Sixth, if you really want to deal with economic illegal immigrants, then Alcarez has it right. Or to be even more on point, let’s arrest and imprison the employers who hire these immigrants. Supply and demand! If there’s no demand for the illegal workers, the supply will dry up. Simple economics. And if you think our government hasn’t been corrupt for decades, you are more naive than you sound.

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    TheEtruscan  over 9 years ago

    “START PICKING YOUR OWN CROPS” isn’t it redundant if “STOP DEMANDING CHEAP LABOR” is there?

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    TheEtruscan  over 9 years ago

    Why stop at legalizing marijuana? Why not legalize ALL recreation drugs as long as a consent form not to be treated at public expenses is signed and carrying a mandatory “overdose” and any collateral brain damage insurance. A neat way to clean the DNA pool.

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  8. Qc1
    agrestic  over 9 years ago

    Not all crops are amenable to being picked in an automated way without lots of damage, so until there are robotic systems sophisticated, cheap, and rugged enough to do that, there will always be a need for people picking crops. This is also the case for human decency, but I see, based on all your posts, that yours must have been picked by a wood chipper.

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