ViewsAsia by Cartoon Movement-US for February 02, 2010

  1. Exploding human fat bombs hedge 060110
    Charles Brobst Premium Member over 14 years ago

    They are melting. They will disappear. Science is not an immutable thing not open to new facts. Unlike the heads of some people.

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    Magnaut  over 14 years ago

    the science isn’i suspect its FRAUDULENT……..

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    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    The science is neither suspect nor fraudulent, different models do project different intermediate actions, but the outcome and cause, are uniform. Proposing a 2035 date for disappearance of Himalayan glaciers was more than a reach. That glaciers world-wide are decreasing is simple fact.

    In my region, it’s been warmer for several years, the plants are messed up on when to start spring growth. In areas that are “normally” much warmer, they want to borrow my long underwear- it is climate CHANGE folks, of patterns all around the world, not just a single location, or a single day.

    The problem for deniers is that to understand what’s going on you have to look at more than one single piece of data and jump to a conclusion- science requires a path down the middle road- zealots fall off that rail.

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    MurphyHerself  over 14 years ago

    ^^^They can do what they will and call it what they want, doesn’t change a thing. We’re too late to do anything anyway, so enjoy that Hummer while you can.

    The change has already started and I don’t know who of us older folk will be around to see the extremes that are coming, but it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

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    Magnaut  about 14 years ago

    science by definition is never settled and must be confirmed…we depend on peer review to keep the process reliable….simply because its not really possible for individuals to confirm facts one by one….the peer review process has been trashed…once sample a has been comtaminated you have to start over….these people will never make their point (assuming there is one) until they own up to the fakery that has been discovered.

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