Jim Morin for April 16, 2014

  1. 1006
    sw10mm  about 10 years ago

    Amazing how the hypocritic left love telling people what to do and focus on the social responsibilities of the government, which by the way don’t exist.

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    rpmurray  about 10 years ago

    Sounds like the Left, but only if they can do it with other people’s money.

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    ARodney  about 10 years ago

    The cartoon is a commentary on idiot conservatives like George Will and Charles Krauthammer who are always willing to exert American power overseas and put other Americans’ children at risk (neither of them fought themselves, of course). And both call for smaller government and lower taxes at the same time as advocating huge spending, and somehow they still get their columns published every week.

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    Mythreesons  about 10 years ago

    I’m not disagreeing with your post, but would point out one problem with it. I, and people my age, would pay almost nothing in taxes unless the rate was extremely high. I already have after 82 years anything I need for living except for food and clothing. Drug store items like toothpaste and shampoo do run out, but appliances and furniture were bought long ago.

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    Dtroutma  about 10 years ago

    Hmm, Joseph Couture, and all; It’s also interesting that Krupp industries, arms manufacturers, were among Hitler’s biggest backers, along with Henry Ford, but they profited from Germany’s wars far better than Henry. Oh wait, didn’t Ford turn to building military vehicles and aircraft during WW II?

    Today, we have over $1.3 TRILLION invested in the F-35 program, and it still remains an unneeded piece of junk that we can’t keep in the air, just like the F-22, and B-2. Our most reliable bomber remains the 50 year old B-52s, our most effective close support aircraft needed for wars such as Afghanistan and Iraq is the E-10 Warthog-so naturally the MIC want to scrap them and use drones, missiles, or other more costly, and less effective tools they’ll sell us. (“sell” in more ways than one.)

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    Brutatowski  about 10 years ago

    Actually our biggest expenditure is entitlement spending. Over 40% of the budget and rising quickly. The aging babyboomer population is about to push that through the roof.

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