Steve Benson for December 04, 2013

  1. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    The real question is why did the Democrats do it? After all, Obamacare is TOTALLY their fault…

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  2. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 10 years ago

    In an attempt to give the nation something it needed, affordable healthcare, the Dems produced a flawed product based on a GOP product but which the GOP wanted nothing to do with under this President. From the beginning, the GOP worked against the ACA/Romneycare awaiting the day they could point at the Dems failure to produce a working long term plan. Now they cheer the damage done through Dem action and GOP inaction. They ignore the hospitals closing in states where medicare expansion is not taking place and focus on a website and people who want to keep policies that, when tested by reporters, end up not providing the type of coverage the complainers thought they had.The ACA is not a train wreck. It is a poorly designed train that does not move or perform like it would have had both parties worked together for the good of the American people, rather than working at odds with each other for the good of their party.The emergency room tax is already costing us trillions a year, and for lack of preventative care and health education provided by regular visits, people are dying from illnesses they don’t even know they have. The hospital closings are resulting in more deaths.Those conservatives who are against the ACA need to go ahead and write their congressmen and tell them that hospitals need to be released from their duty to treat people who come to the ER unless they can pay in advance. Without a product LIKE the ACA, our healthcare system will ultimately collapse on itself and the weight of costs. If you choose to kill the ACA, you are killing people through neglect and apathy.Respectfully,C.

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  3. Barnette
    Enoki  over 10 years ago

    I disagree Respectful. The ACA is a badly flawed model that makes the basic assumption that more government bureaucracy equals greater efficency. It relies heavily on taxes and complex regulation to operate..Clearly the solution lies in the opposite direction: Simplification and personal responsibility / initative. That isn’t to say taking government completely out of the picture but rather limiting government’s role to increasing competition and encouraging participation; but not through heavy handed regulation and taxes but rather through making incentives for individuals to participate..I have put my own idea of how such a system would work up before here and elsewhere. It may not be perfect but it is light years ahead of that bureaucratic nightmare called Obamacare.

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  4. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 10 years ago

    “What really befuddles me is how anyone thinks Obamacare is going to stop ER visits.”

    Allow me to enlighten you. Without dollars, a diabetic will skimp on—or not take—medication. This person will eventually end up in the ER with a need for dialysis, amputation, or with kidney failure. Big bucks to fix. Once fixed, the patient is put back out onto the street. The underlying cause is not addressed.

    With a caring system (which many posters here have no desire for), that same patient would have been put on meds which would be more affordable, likely eliminating the need for incredibly costly emergency services.

    Same for a person with a heart attack. The ER will stabilize him, but will not address poor nutrition, stress, or overweight issues, nor will the hospital prescribe meds for high blood pressure, because this requires monitoring that the ER is not set up to do.

    Hope this helps.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    The toon addresses “second term”, but the actions of the Republican Party, starting before Obama was first inaugurated, reminds me of a movie: Instead of Butch and Sundance, Boehner and McConnell, and the gang including Santorum, Cruz, Paul, Cantor, et al, are standing next to the train and McConnell asks Boehner “Gee, John, do you think we used enough dynamite?”

    There IS a difference between “loyal opposition”, and sabotage, of EVERY action, without regard to consequences, and acting AGAINST the people you represent, to make the “party” the sole beneficiary of your actions.

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  6. Jollyroger
    pirate227  over 10 years ago

    Haters gonna hate. Party first right, cons.

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  7. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 10 years ago

    MsKemple!!! Are you also a “Sane Saint”? I do not consider Mr. Obama to be a compulsive liar, though I do believe he has said many things based on facts over which he had little or no control.I have little sympathy for the Dems and none for those who have led the Republicans over the last decade. Both parties are criminally negligent but the Republicans are, imo, hypocritical in addition to being career politicians who care more for party than for country. The Dems are also party first, but they’re hypocrisies are less damaging than that of the right.I do not know your numbers’ accuracy or your source. I do believe that within three years, the foundation on which the ACA was laid will still be strong and if legislators will work together, they can build something strong and lasting upon it.However, it seems you feel that attitude is an example of my delusion so I am left asking you what I’ve asked others…Are you ready to give hospitals the right to refuse service on an ER visit unless payment can be guaranteed? Failure to provide preventative/educational healthcare will mean people will continue dying in ER rooms and the ER Tax will dispersed amongst the rest of us.The ACA if the car we have. I do not believe the GOP will replace it if they are able to repeal it. Therefore I have to ask…what is the plan?I liked the swearing in the name of Drew Brees sentence. It’s better than my swearing at him when he throws an interception. :DBe well, MsKemple. I do appreciate you, even if we are in disagreement on this matter.Respectfully,C.

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    ^also, first set failed, and they had to go back in again. Sad as CF is (my son’s favorite teacher died young of the condition), the simple fact is that survival into adulthood is rare, and “old age” is 30. Someday, with stem cell research progressing, we may end this terrible genetic disorder.

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  9. Missing large
    artistdavid  over 10 years ago

    The Democrats made the Obama Care Mess all by themselves! Then proceed to blame Republicans who told over and over the truth.

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