Gary Varvel for November 29, 2013

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    20watt  over 10 years ago

    @RadishPlease try to keep up:

    Briefly, Obama: 34% approvalHillary: 42%Christie: 41%

    Chris Christie is, nominally at least, a Republican

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    warjoski Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Second worst in the room still sucks. Obama is a terrible president. The Democrats are as inept as the Republicans.

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    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    With the DOW setting record highs, the economy recovering, even if slower than “appreciated” after the debacle of “W” and Reaganomics, and the ACA still, granted, struggling to “catch up”. I’m wondering, following actual trends, like getting OUT of wars, instead of into them, just what might lie ahead by, well “tax time”.

    If the Republicans lose all “talking points” by then, it will indeed be curious if the public actually wakes up. The fact that Obama’s ratings are still higher than "W"s at the end of his term, and is a LOT higher than a Republican held House, and an obstructionist Senate, things may well indeed become “Interesting”, and Varvel, et al may well be dieting on their words, and hatred, of the last five years.

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    eugene57  over 10 years ago

    Seems Republican’s have more to worry about than any Democrat, due to T-party politics.

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    lonecat  over 10 years ago

    Tigger says to Michael, “Making predictions after you know the results is not fair.” True, but it’s a lot more reliable than making predictions beforehand.

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    lonecat  over 10 years ago

    I don’t think I’ve talked with you as yet. I’m willing to take you as you present yourself. I try to remain civil (I don’t claim that I always succeed) and I support your view that it would be better if we didn’t call names. It would be a pleasure to have civil discussions with a conservative here. I am quite prepared to believe that a conservative can be intelligent and have good intentions. Over the years I have learned from conservatives, and I’m prepared to let that happen again. Some time back I spent some time urging everyone to be more civil, and (a) I got nowhere and (b) I got called names for trying. Now I just do my best to be reasonably civil myself, and I let other people police their own conduct.

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  7. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  over 10 years ago

    Tigger, I never said that there will never be another Republican president. I would be astonished if there is not another Republican president in the near future. I think it’s quite possible that the next president will be Republican. If you want to be taken seriously then don’t post such inaccurate statements.

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    artistdavid  over 10 years ago

    As I continually try to point out, Obama only cares about himself. I remember a Liberal Clinton displayed the same characteristic.

    Come to think of it, all Liberal caring is on the verbal level. But what really matters is how the verbal will benefit the verbalist, not the citizen.

    Obama knew that, “If you like your doctor, you CAN KEEP HIM!” was meant to pass his legacy, but was a huge lie!

    History will record his legacy as a black lie!

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