Walt Handelsman for September 13, 2013

  1. Camera
    PepeLePew2010  over 10 years ago

    That’s like saying Sadam was part of 9/11

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    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    Putin DID say some very VALID things in that op-ed, but believing there wasn’t any hypocrisy on his part, would be pretty stupid!

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    “Truth” can be time-centric. SO many claims of what Saddam was doing, are made by “righties” citing what WERE facts: in 1991!! By ‘93, the WMDs were either gone, or useless, what we didn’t blow up, wasn’t worth messing with. William Rivers Pitt and Scott Ritter summed up the lies being told about Saddam’s capabilities, in 2002, in a published book using accurate information. But the administration folks kept lying.

    Still today, defenders of our illegal invasion of Iraq will go back and cite what indeed may have been happening, A DECADE BEFORE WE INVADED!

    Assad, just like Israel, is more than capable of making his own chemical weapons (and biologicals), but he doesn’t have the capacity to produce all the nuclear weapons Israel possesses, in the worst kept “secret” in history, and neither does Iran.

    Which, as we try to use Syria as a reason to keep pressure on to attack Iran, we should note that Russia has also been more than willing, along with other countries, to monitor Iran’s nuclear program, and regulate any “weapons grade” materials they may not need to generate electricity, so they can sell US their OIL!

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