Kevin Kallaugher by KAL for September 02, 2013

  1. B8b14dce2f3161ff864f5dfd89ee5a51
    avarner  over 10 years ago

    Yeah, Let’s throw in with Al-Qaeda, and be their Air Force. What could possibly go wrong ??

    This looks like a comedy act. Obama & Kerry = Dumb & Dumber.

    I know! Let’s ask Biden for advice…

    Dear God….

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  2. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 10 years ago

    Appears to be mainly conservatives being stung on the ass. What a quandary! Some support more military action. Some want no military action. Most are trying to anticipate what Obama wants, and then wanting the opposite. Obama favors quick action and then holds off for more investigation – not fair. Obama is weak and indecisive for weighing complex options. Obama is a war-monger. Obama is weak despite being the only major world leader taking a stand against WMD terrorism and violating international norms. Some support the rebels but others think they are Al-Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood. Some pretend to abhor poison gas warfare and others think it is an internal matter. Congress wanted to be consulted and were surprised when they were. Obama is weak for consulting congress and seeking public support. Predictably, conservatives are dislocating major body parts as they back flip, flip flop, contort, and do fancy pirouettes trying to keep up.

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  3. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 10 years ago

    A story on the radio yesterday said the Saudi King was calling for “deterrent actions” to be taken against the Assad regime. Every action taken against a Muslim nation by the “West” has been unappreciated by a large portion of the region’s population, even when – as in the case of Kuwait – the action was requested, limited, and successful. The Middle East simply does not appreciate the presence of “crusaders”.It is time for the Arab League to use the many weapon platforms they have bought from the west in order to take action against “one of their own.” The US and other western powers could provide all sorts of support via satellites, radar aircraft, and even intell drones, but the real players in this situation should be the members of the Arab League and Syria’s neighbors who are being financially and socialy crippled by the masses of refugees pouring over the borders.Syria is a tragedy in progress, but so is Egypt, Darfur, Somalia, & too many other nations. While I support the USA being part of a coalition that includes the Arab League, I do not and cannot support unilateral actions when we can’t even take proper care of affairs in our own borders.Respectfully,C.

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  4. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 10 years ago

    “Don’t forget the Vietnam wasp’s nest. We got stung bad.”And yet, once we got out of Vietnam, things improved there. It took a while, but we, not China are their largest trading partner. Vietnam now prefers the West to China…

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    The underlying, but not subtle message from McCain and Graham is the same one we’ve heard for decades: “defend Israel, crush Iran”. The history of attacks in the region really should reflect on who’s attacked Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, and is chomping at the bit to attack Iran; the only real nuclear power in the Middle East, Israel.

    YES, Israel DOES have a right (granted by the UN) to exist, but not PERSIST IN ATTACKING THEIR NEIGHBORS!

    Okay, Assad has support from Hezbolla as McCain cites, and in the same breath, he announces we’re supporting the “opposition” that is supported by Al Qaeda!!!!

    Doesn’t the name bin Laden mean ANYTHING to these guys as to the only nation or organization that HAS attacked the US homeland??

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  6. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 10 years ago

    Did you ask something meaningful, PAJ?

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