Drew Sheneman for August 21, 2013

  1. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 10 years ago

    Good point, Mr. Stevens.Were the killers of that young Australian racists, gang bangers earning their rank in the gang, or simply sociopaths?When I first heard the story this morning, I thought of a young black man I knew in school in MS. I found out in the 80s that he was killed when a person leaned out of a car with a baseball bat and struck him in the head while he walked down the road after work. It is apparently pretty common knowledge who the white men were that did it as some bragging took place afterwards, but there were no witnesses and a person I remember being a nice kid died leaving behind a wife and child.Haters come in every color, religion, culture, and political party. It is up to us to set a more civil and respectful tone in order to make positive changes.@ narrowminded – Perhaps if certain races weren’t experiencing the greater proportion of poverty and hopelessness, there would be less crime from those races…perhaps.However, that is the violent criminals. The majority of criminals who have destroyed the pensions and retirements and home ownerships of millions of Americans are white as are the majority of ‘job creators’ who hold onto their money and gamble on currency futures. Perhaps, instead of using the money to gamble, if the were to create jobs that might give people hope for a real future, we would see less crime in the races to which you allude….perhaps.Respectfully,C.

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    Odon Premium Member over 10 years ago

    “…hookers are the answer to all of our problems.”Now that’s a way of looking at things I’ve not seen on these pages before. How much research has gone on to date?

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    chazandru  over 10 years ago

    Onguard, If you do not recognize the damage done to blacks during the 1930s by whites protecting white interests.. trumped up charges putting husbands/fathers in jail. Fathers who had to become migrant workers or move north to try and find work and money to bring their families up afterwards…If all you have is this simplistic reply that ignores the fact that it was the wealthy who created the financial crash which only made the dustbowl disaster worse…Then I must quote Zbigniew Brezinski:“You know, you have such a stunningly superficial knowledge of what went on that it’s almost embarrassing to listen to you.” I mean no disrespect, but I do not understand your position or tone.Misguided social policies, trying to compensate for damages done by businesses vying for supremacy in the markets, has brought us to this juncture.It doesn’t help that in trying to compensate, Dem legislators have been equal to the Reps in efforts to profit from their actions/inactions in DC.Your name calling, pigeonholing, and failure to ignore the other groups to blame only drives the wedge between neighbors deeper and makes reaching a civil and respectful outcome more difficult.C.

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    dannysixpack  over 10 years ago

    onguard said, about 1 hour ago

    “@Respectful Troll

    Please sit down after that Spin, you may fall down. The Black family was as strong as any other group maybe stronger. Until Liberals and their programs started destroying the core family unit."wow! astonishing.so the black family had no problems at all until ‘liberal’ policies destroyed them.so let’s bring back slavery, which obviously strengthened the core black family unit. might as well do sharecropping while we’re at it. I’m sure segregation must have been a real cornerstone to the core black family unit, and let’s not forget civil rights and redlining.let’s run back to the future for the sake of the core black family unit.it’s hard to believe you can really believe this stuff, let alone write it.

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    chazandru  over 10 years ago

    Google it, PAJ.There’s video.Mr. Scarborough’s face went nearly purple as he bit his tongue. I was actually watching when it happened.I initially cheered Brezinski, but as I watched Joe over the rest of that morning, I cheered him even more. I doubt I could have held back in a face to face encounter like that. It is sometimes hard even here.But until the lessons of history cease to be relevant, I don’t know how we can quit bringing it up. When a racist moment happens, we can’t treat it as if it’s a new animal we’ve never seen before. And btw, until I saw some video of how some police were doing Stop and Frisk, I supported it too. I’ve been frisked in the past just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, but the police were polite, quick, and thanked me for my cooperation.Now if it happened to me four times a month like one man says it has to him, I might start changing my mind.I think you know my thoughts on Sharpton and Jackson as well as their white conservative counterparts. No argument from me. Sharpeton is a patriot to his race first, then Dem. But, just like Limbaugh, that’s how he makes his money.Thank you for the reply, PAJ.You make it easier to be respectful.Sincerely,C.

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    rockngolfer  over 10 years ago

    He was just trying to buy a cheezburger for his cat.

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    chazandru  over 10 years ago

    I gave my three thoughts of why they did it. Financial gain was not part of it. That has been confirmed.It was my understanding that if tried as adults, they could still face the death penalty if the state’s laws permit? No?Beyond you misunderstanding my comment, I am in agreement with you. You forgot to mention the legal fees for frivolous lawsuits that incarcerated felons often bring against states.I just reread your comment, I do agree with nearly every sentence, emotionally if not intellectually.The young man they killed seemed to have been a very nice person. My sympathies to his family and loved ones.Sincerely,C.

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    chazandru  over 10 years ago

    I know you’re being sarcastic/ironic, Ahab…but there’s no comparison.sadly,c

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    chazandru  over 10 years ago

    I wondered if these ‘boys’ were racists, gang members who needed to ‘earn their stripes’, or simple sociopaths. From what the 17 yr old is reported to have said, the latter seems likely.I would no more apologize for their cold blooded decision than I would for Eric Rudolph, Tim McVeigh,the Aurora theater shooter, or any of the other ‘sociopaths’ out there.However,If you don’t recognize the influence that poverty, a lack of a family foundation, and/or education/opportunity has on the many shootings in our nation, then you are at least as naive as you imply that I am. These boys shot a harmless jogger for fun.How can ANYONE justify that? Even their parents don’t know what to say.non apologetically,C.

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