John Deering for July 06, 2013

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 11 years ago

    symbolism, but ridiculous, pyramids built by a civilization with far higher talents than modern societies.-The model of Egypt proves the impossibility of trying to “democratize” a people born into the No-Exit religion of Islam. Their belief system has no trace of “free will” of humankind, required by God’s models, Israel and the USA.-Only God Himself, on His Return as King Jesus, can tame Egypt and all surviving nations to serve Him in peace and prosperity.

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    Dtroutma  almost 11 years ago

    ROFL!! “no-exit religion” like Islam, then “King Jesus” will rule (and kill all the non-believers and send them to hell) of course! disgustedtaxpayer’s religious idiocy/hypocrisy gets funnier all the time!!

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 11 years ago

    God bless Becca and Trout with Biblical information.1. If Islam is not a “no-exit” religion by choice, prove it by showing the Islamic laws that permit Muslims to convert and be blessed by the Islamic rulers of their country!2.King of the Earth Jesus will kill only the world armies that are attacking Israel at the Battle of Armageddon, to try to eradicate the Jews and their Nation. It is also a war against God, and the anti-God armies deserve death.3.Either you believe God’s scriptures that reveal God’s plans for earth and earthlings…or you do not believe. Unbelief and refusal to put faith in God is one of Satan’s “gates of hell”….Please read and believe the Bible.

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    Dtroutma  almost 11 years ago

    ^Hippie hop goes the hypocrisy, AGAIN!

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    Dtroutma  almost 11 years ago

    P.S., I’ve read the bible, Quran, and numerous texts from Buddhism, Hinduism, and numerous other “pagan” religions, devoted to animism and other gods and “non-gods”. The Bible religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are by far the most hypocritical, and it’s not so much the original, super-violent “Old Testament”, as the “followers” who’ve spent centuries “bending the rules” by writing their own, whether Jews, Roman Catholics, Protestant, or Islamists.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  almost 11 years ago

    @dtrout; wrong. Islam is the late-comer ANTI-Bible religion.Your Unbelief does not affect the truth of the Jewish Bible, both OT and NT written by Jews who recognized their Messiah in Jesus of Nazareth. Fulfilled prophecies is one proof that the Bible is directly inspired by God Himself, to a few selected men who wrote it and to the many who guarded and preserved the inspired scriptures and omitted Satan’s attempted forgeries. Knowledge of God’s Word brings the responsibility on the reader, to accept it and trust God, or to reject it and earn eternal spiritual death and “retire” with Satan and his demons. Sorry you are so adamant in disbelief. You cannot blame God for your “destiny”….God is not willing that any should perish, but God gives us free will.We choose our destination in eternity.

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    bueller  almost 11 years ago

    You are correct ( of course ). But when theArab Spring was unfolding, I dismissedpeople like you as conspiracy theorists.I was wrong. too bad others can’t simplyadmit you were correct, "while shuttingup ", as my friend Steve Scallion used tosay.

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