Joe Heller for March 05, 2013

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    ConserveGov  about 11 years ago

    I’m betting that O’s next “crisis/distraction” will be that illegal aliens must be made citizens immediately or else.

    Never mind that black unemployment is at 14% and the most Americans in history are now on food stamps and/or disability.

    Good job prez.

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    Stormrider2112  about 11 years ago

    It would be nice if the Republicans went through with their 2010 mantra of a “laser-like focus on jobs.” So, of course, they didn’t want to go through with Obama’s instrastructure repair proposals (because it would make O and the economy look good…can’t have that!).

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    chazandru  about 11 years ago

    Heard a person talking about the problems between Israelis and Palestinians and he said, “They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.”^The number of billionaires increased 16% since last year. There are now 1426 of them. Corporations are sitting on money. Pay for people who actually create things like food, power, or provide services is miniscule while people who gamble on the value of currencies make fortunes.^Mr. Heller makes an excellent point that Mr. Obama and Mr. Boehnor are standing too close to in the art to see. Jobs. Workers pay taxes, buy products, increase demand, and in doing so, create jobs. So much needs to be done, but so few people with money or access to money are willing to do things. The Carnegies, JP Morgans, and other magnates of history – despite their misdeeds – loved this nation and invested in it. Our leading capitalists now don’t care about this nation, and invest their money in oversea accounts.^I would like to see a really high tax placed on the rich,however, I would like to see THEM decide where the tax should go. Perhaps there is a bridge near their home that needs repair. Perhaps the city in which they live needs more police or firemen or teachers to educate the workers the wealthy need to work in their corporations. Maybe they would be willing to invest in a pipe line to take water from a river prone to flooding and move high water to areas in drought. Maybe there are very wealthy people who love wild places and would invest in parks and wildlife preserves.^.Our nation needs heroes with money. We have heroes sweating blood and tears but they can’t change a nation without the resources with which to work. If the job creators won’t help out of self interest or patriotism, they need to be compelled. No one has the right to have ALL of the money as long as money is finite, and the only way things get done.Respectfully,C.

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    ARodney  about 11 years ago

    Boehner goes on the Sunday shows and lies that the president doesn’t have a plan, lies that the senate Democrats don’t have a plan, lies that his congress passed a plan (they haven’t, that was last congress and he no longer has the votes), and he’s Howie’s “hero?” That explains a lot about the continuing downgrade of the Republican brand.

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    chazandru  about 11 years ago

    Luke 12:48^Do you say that because it is how you would behave? What a sad and cynical thing to expect from someone you do not know.^C.

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    edward thomas Premium Member about 11 years ago

    The Senate does not have to pass a budget unless and until the House passes one, as budgets must start in the House. Without having a super majority, the Senate Democrats are powerless to push anything through without Republican support. And the Dems had a filibuster-proof majority for two months, only from the time of Al Franken’s confirmation to Ted Kennedy’s death.

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