Bob Gorrell for February 04, 2013

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 11 years ago

    I’d feel safer hunting with Obama than Cheney. I also feel the Constitution remains safer, despite some “blips”, with this administration as opposed to Cheney/Bush’s “unitary presidency” and their rubber stampers at Justice, who had no respect whatsoever for the document. (Or subsequent laws)

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    ARodney  about 11 years ago

    Same dumb joke in two cartoons. I know they all get directions from Fox News, they could at least tell them to come up with new gags. (I’d trust Obama with a gun much more than Bush or Cheney. Obama is the only one who would know when NOT to shoot.)

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    NoCents  about 11 years ago

    So, is there anyone that really believes that the provided photo was not just a staged photo op? It sure does seem odd that prior to this opportunity, shooting guns of any kind by the president has never been mentioned. We know all presidents do this in an attempt to portray to the populous “hey look – I am just like you”, but this president seems to bring it to an art form.

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    NoCents  about 11 years ago

    For what indeed!

    First, it was reported that he previously said “we do skeet shooting all the time”. The photo is intended to prove that he shoots skeet “all the time”.

    Second, as I stated in my post, pols always want to portray the image that they are an every day person “just like us”. “Hey, I’m just like you so I will do things that you like” is the message they want to send.

    Third, they are anxious to portray the president as being gun friendly – regardless of what his real inclinations may be. That will serve to calm down the gun nuts or at least the gun owners.

    The president does not need to buy any cred with folks who already support him – and anyway, they are smart enough to see exactly what he is doing with the photo.

    Your golf story was interesting but I don’t see what that has to the photo – he did not say “I used to shoot”.

    It also seems strange that the photo had to be declassified in order to be released. Can some anyone give us a clue as to why such a photo would have been classified in the first place?

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    NoCents  about 11 years ago

    Your puzzling condescending attitude coupled with the close-minded content of your reply lead me to believe that further discussion of this topic with you would be pointless.

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