John Deering for January 23, 2013

  1. Idiocracy  1
    Dave Ferro  over 11 years ago

    Alas… It didn’t have to be this way… We just have to vote for the right people in the Primaries- Conservative people!

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    ARodney  over 11 years ago

    Go ahead, vote in the least popular group in America (the Tea Party in Florida dropped “Tea Party” from their name in a desperate attempt to stay relevant in the face of public revulsion). They can join Mourdock, O’Donnell, Santorum, and the other conservative failures in failing to push your unworkable, Mathematically impossible, cruel, and undesirable agenda.

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member over 11 years ago

    It’s a day of celebration when the Tea Partiers are in mourning gnashing their teeth. In 4 yrs hopefully Obama can undo some of the damage the previous administration did to this country. By 2016 we should have lower unemployment & growing revenue stream to help pay down the bloated debt wracked up by 2 unpaid wars & foolish tax cuts for the rich.

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    dfowensby  over 11 years ago

    Sad. Trust the GOP to create a comedy act, then try to foist it upon america as a presidential candidacy proposal, then actually promote one clown as its Hopeful. And through it all, with straight faces to the end, they still Don’t Get It.The fact that fully half the US population is stupider than the “average” voter, is probably the only reason they got votes at all. Wise up, folks. The GOP is in that coffin, in reality!

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    disgustedtaxpayer  over 11 years ago

    as a Conservative since the 1950s I see a self-defeated leadership in the GOP….who fought against Reagan, fought against the Moral Majority and the Christian Right, and fought the Tea Party and fresh blood running on the GOP ticket.-The current leadership should retire and allow new leadership to run the party with principled convictions of what the GOP originally promoted, with courage and spines that will not sway and bend in the hot air from the Liberal MSM and Democrat bigots who cannot tolerate “alternative ideas”…and to Defend Moral Law in our civil laws, defending Judaic-Christian standards, and conservative political standards.-IMO the current GOP leadership is worse than useless. Go!Let the House Tea Party caucus replace the cowardly cave-in compromisers!

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    When I was a kid and my dad was in business with Don Nixon, in Orange County, we knew he John Birch Society was the “nut-case fringe” of the Republican Party, today, with tea and the NRA, it’s the “mainstream”. Even with their NRA members teaching “safety”, they keep shooting themselves in the foot. Hopefully, the Congress, despite gerrymandering, will get rid of these radicals, and elect some folks who understand law, and the Constitution

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    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    Just heard the Va assembly waited for a D to go to the inaugural and then passed a law that changed the electoral map of Virginia into a major R stronghold. They are moving to pass another law to apply the same advantage to electoral votes. Wabbit had told sent me to a website on this earlier. I just saw what the Virginia map looks like. This is gerrymandering taken to a level not seen in our nation’s history and if allowed, and D’s are able to get back in the majority, it will be used against R’s as well. If this, "ends justify the means’ tactic is used, it dishonors the founders and the sacrifices made to defend our nation from enemies, foreign AND domestic.Now I have another letter to write to my legislators.Frustratedly,C.

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    bueller  over 11 years ago

    Yeah, because the GOP is going to rise up and …what ?The TEA party is a joke.Romney was the most “electable” candidatethe GOP could scrape up.Every time some degenerate like Aikenmisspeaks, the party leadership stampedesto do exactly …nothing.

    Talking heads like Limbaugh, Beck, et alclaimed Obama’s policies were a disaster.Meanwhile, the housing market. a true barometer of how we’re doing , is ( gasp)making a comeback.All of these things point to the same conclusionfor Repubs like Bill O’Reilly . When he veryhonestly mused on election night that "traditional " American voters were anendangered species -that’s paraphrasingas accurately as he deserves – he wascorrect.And for the Democratic process to work, andthen all the voters who voted Democrat to bedenigrated as moochers who only want something for free – that is honestly themost insulting ( and un American )slam against voters I can think of.Hey , how about Boehner for Prez in2016? Snerk…

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  9. Jollyroger
    pirate227  over 11 years ago

    All I can say is, HA-HA.

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