Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for July 22, 2015

  1. 8487d5805da9012ee3bf00163e41dd5bfunny
    summerdog86  almost 9 years ago

    Only a true clothes-horse would understand this one. Clothes-horse, here!

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  2. Butterfly
    QuietStorm27  almost 9 years ago

    I have to agree with Cathy on this one. I packed different clothes and shoes to try to have something for every possible occasion and still felt like I didn’t have enough or the right clothes.

    We had a fantastic time on our vacation/family reunion! Everything was so beautiful and I love his family (for the most part). We were so exhausted but it was worth it!@lightenup, I can’t believe we were both in the DC area at the same time! I wonder if we saw each other, it’s so busy and crazy there – you never know! I would have loved to meet you in person!GretchensMom, summerdog and hendelca thank you for your kind words and well wishes. I’m really shy in person and unsure of myself so sometimes it surprises me that people like or notice me. My honey’s family loves me though and they beat him up for not marrying me yet! :-)

    @hendelca We did things backwards too and had kids young before getting married so we have pretty much been stuck in our tiny fishbowl. Our kids are getting older and we’re back in school so we plan to do a lot more travelling – we can’t go back now. :-)

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  3. Missing large
    legaleagle48  almost 9 years ago

    And this is yet another reason why men are glad to be born male! ;-)

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  4. Snoopy   woodstock  hug
    Gretchen's Mom  almost 9 years ago


    Hi, rgcviper!


    From yesterday . . .Okay, I see the main problem you’ve been having but you solved that part. The part in the formula that says ‘URL’ means the address of the picture/comic you want to use — not the actual letters U R & L themselves. By replacing (URL) with the comic’s address you wanted to post and keeping everything else the same, it should have worked.


    There’s a space between the words img and src. Did you notice that in order to put it in there?


    There are also 4 of these: ( )One before and after the web address and one before and after the letters 356 (minus the parenthesis of course. I just used thatin order to help you see the symbol better).


    Try doing it (almost exactly) this way to see if it’ll work for you (please see my notes):


    < i m g s r c = ‘put web address here’ width=’356’>


    1.) No space between < and the i at the beginning.2.) No spaces between the letters img.3.) There’s a space between the g in img and the s in src.4.) No spaces between the letters src.5.) No space between the c in src and the = sign.6.) No space between the = sign and the website’s address.7.) Don’t forget the ( ’ ) symbol (minus the parenthesis) directly before and after the website’s address as well as the letters 356.8.) No space between the website address and the word width.9.) Do the width=’356’> exactly as shown.


    Whew! I think that covers everything. I am bound and determined to help you solve this problem so that you can post any picture(or comic) on G.C. that you want, anytime you want it, so hopefully this will do it. Please give it another try and let me know how it goes. Good luck! :-)


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  5. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  almost 9 years ago

    HI, MOM. Thanks so much for all your help with posting images in the comments. Much appreciated. If this works (please, computer/Internet gods …), the image will perfectly sum up my thoughts on today’s comic, too. Here goes nothing …

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  6. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  almost 9 years ago

    Nope. This time, nothing showed up at all. Before, I was seeing an enlarged version of the image I wanted to post, but now, zip-zero-nada. I’ll double check the Style Guide online, and I’ll e-mail GoComics again for help. Technology …

    Thanks again, MOM. Greetings, Clan.

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