Joe Heller for November 17, 2012

  1. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 11 years ago

    Ha! And in light of the lines already crossed, whynot.

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    Odon Premium Member over 11 years ago

    So what’s the official NRA stand on personal drones for hunting and protection?

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  3. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 11 years ago

    I prefer to use the flamethrower technique. That way, I can kill and cook simultaneously. Thanks, NRA!

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  4. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  over 11 years ago

    Fah! A hunting drone! That’s strictly for wimps. Why not hunt deer like a real, macho-man, Tea-Party Republican?


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    ConserveGov  over 11 years ago

    Is it terrorist season yet?

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    With IR technology in hunters hands already, and road hunters plaguing too many areas the drones aren’t far off. BTW, contractors, and House Republicans are already trying to take all control away from FAA with regard to drones and enforcement of the “Patriot Act”. (That silly Constitution be damned!)

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  7. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    There was a time when you could get up way too early, dress up in some warm gear, and find a place to watch the sun rise in the forest. Sometimes, if you were lucky and had scouted out a good spot, you might have a deer show up close enough for a clean shot. A few hours of work later, you had enough meat in the freezer to get through most if not all of winter.Now, you have to join a club and they park around a forest owned by a farmer or group of farmers, get out there radios, i’m sure they use cell phones and text now. And release some dogs.I guess its efficient, but its not hunting and it shows little respect for the animals or the environment.My grandfather taught me to always say a prayer of thanks over a kill. Whether a deer or a quail, if he took a life he gave thanks to the spirit of the animal and to God. I’m sure someone is already using cameras and motion detection devices to find deer by now. The drone is simply a sad next step.Nostalgically,C.

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    ^ATV’s first arrived in the U.S. in 1973, now these road hunters, and land destroyers, claim it’s their “heritage” they’re participating in. There constant roaring through the woods, or across the desert, has turned “hunting” into a circus, and disaster. Hate ’em.

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    edward thomas Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Don’t forget hunting wolves with helicopters! Great sport, that. Most of these “great white hunters” would be useless without their technology!

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