John Deering for September 27, 2012

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    wolfhoundblues1  over 11 years ago

    Doesn’t matter who gets in. The damage is done. We will see a full blown depression after 2014. When the progressive ways take affect, The US will really be in trouble.

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  2. All seeing eye
    Chillbilly  over 11 years ago

    Adios Romney. Thanks to all the billionaires who bankrolled your campaign and kept the economy alive too.

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    Thomas Devers Premium Member over 11 years ago

    @ScottPMRomney has already back pedaled on Obamacare. He now says there are parts he likes…..

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    disgustedtaxpayer  over 11 years ago

    @tod4…there are parts Romney likes that he would promote in a new Congress to write a New Replacement HCare plan and kill the law for Obamacare with 20 new taxes and government control of the US medical industry and as middle-dictator between Dr. and Patient.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  over 11 years ago

    @eepatt….absolutely wrong!Private for-profit insurance companies are not the Monopoly Federal Government. Private companies do not have the power of the government which now is headed by Obama who thinks he can just say some words in an executive order and MANDATE do this or else…fines, penalties or prison!-you don’t have the faintest knowledge of the difference, do you? Private insurance companies currently operate according to individual state regulations. Insurance companies compete for customers and no one is forced to buy any certain company or any certain policy. Obamacare forces everyone to operate within the Dictator-middleman centralized controls and mandates, or else.-Free Enterprise versus Marxist federal Control. Any American choosing federal control of personal health/illness because he/she believes it is FREE CARE….is selling out cheap to the Federal SlaveMaster.

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    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    New for the 2012 TV season!! American Leader! So You Think You Can Lead! The Leader! The Leader Factor! America Has Leaders! Pick a title, any title, just give us a show where we can hear people address real issues and if they dodge questions or have bad ideas, Simon, C Lo, & the rest of the judges, along with votes from viewers, can kick them off of the stage. If as many people vote in the elections as do for one of these bread and circus programs, we might get leaders.At the Rally for Sanity, Jon Stewart compared Americans to people traveling on a 6 lane road that is merging to a one lane road that is the only way to enter the tunnel to take us to “the other side”, the place where we ALL want to be. It won’t be perfect, but it will be better. However, we are so caught up with our own interests, our dislikes for our fellow travelers’ looks, bumper stickers, etc, that we aren’t working together to move forward and instead, traffic stops and people yell terrible things at each other. Sometimes, to get ahead, you have to be willing to help push the car in front of you, or to change a tire, or give a neighbor’s battery a jump. Yelling at a person because they don’t have the wherewithal to move themselves doesn’t create momentum, just bad feelings. Respectfully,C.

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    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    And Tiggers are wonderful things!Their tops are made up of rubber!Their bottoms are made up of springs!Their bouncy flouncy flouncy bouncyfun fun fun fun fun!But the most wonderful thing about tiggers is

    You AIN’T the only one.You can be very depressing sometimes.More of an Eeyore, without the self deprecating view.

    And sorry if the above offended anyone, but every time i saw that name and avatar, i heard the tigger song in my head for the next few hours. lol.Keep posting Tigger. Your voice is important too.C.

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    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    The Desiderata says, “even the dull and ignorant, they too have their story”. If that more insulting comment lacks validity, then go by Thomas Jefferson’s second inaugural where he states a free society must give voice to all peoples, even those who would tear down the Constitution, if for no other reason but to know what they are saying.C.

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