Chip Bok for August 26, 2016

  1. Official state of new hampshire tartan
    Moxie  almost 8 years ago

    Shouldn’t the pile be smaller in the first panel? After all, they were broke when Bill’s term was up…

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    HarlieM  almost 8 years ago
    If there’s anything right wingers are good at, it’s fomenting conspiracy theories. I love to hear some of them.The funniest for me lately was the Jade Helm takeover of Texas with the US military hiding tanks under Texas Walmart stores.

    The selling baby parts lies was pretty sicko and not any fun at all. This failed Ailes propaganda effort resulted in 12 people being shot, 3 of them fatally.

    Storing grain in the pyramids was amusing when you consider it came from a “neurosurgeon” and potential GOP president, which happened in a rare moment when he was not dozing off, or selling books.

    Oh, and let’s not forget the zinger where 911 was an inside job inspired by the President.

    The laughing stock of the entire planet?? It ain’t Hill. Keep up the good work.

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  3. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 8 years ago

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    Comicsfan222  almost 8 years ago

    Just because you are paranoid doesn’t mean they are not out to get you.

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    DrDon1  almost 8 years ago

    @RadishThanks for this information.[ You might think that Bok would cinsider that Hillary Clinton has been the target of RWNJs before he inked this toon. ]

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 8 years ago

    The most “investigated” (by right wing morons at least, at huge taxpayer expense) couple in history, with no actionable findings, in fact exoneration by the evidence.

    ON the other hand, all those involved in “WMD gate” have skated, become millionaires many times over with their connections, have never been convicted on what’s evident in the public record revealed.

    I don’t actually like Hillery, though respect her qualifications. The gold plated jerk, with his lighting at every event to highlight his golden hair crown, no qualifications to lead a horse to water, or clean the stable, but his followers can’t be deterred, must be they can see well through their hoods.

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    no_hillary  almost 8 years ago

    Slug Olympics – summer games – no russians allowed, enuf right here in amerika

    olympics are over now … final tally medal rounds …

    slug Olympics final exercises:

    It was Trump for the bronze, well out of the running now, so now its between child molester Jeffrey Epstein and his close friend of the Lolita Express Days bubba clinton : we know him, esteemed phallic god of the feminine left who can do as he pleases sexually and from democrat women, free pass, free pass for this slimeball, wishing in vain that they would be his next sexual target, sorry #luts that they are ,,, sorry old hags, the lolita girls are LOTS YOUNGER … you lose :)

    zero-bama gets second without challenge,

    no doubt the gold is hil-liar-y, who claims to be the defender of women (well maybe of huma’s mom, the saudi radical who supports jihad, 9-11, and saudi domination of women in the muslim culture – no cash payoff is too slimy for this %hore and her “friend” huma to accept -Doug Shoen democratic pig apologist admits openly she did just that, but since has “changed her stance” and has “set the record straight” – huh? – and she’s giving all of the saudi money back, eh? Huh, no?

    vote for this %hore and get what you having coming at the end of your days ,,, when you have to examine YOURSELF critically … that’ll be ugly for lots of you …

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    no_hillary  almost 8 years ago

    Like you trout …

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