Andy Capp by Reg Smythe for September 10, 2021

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 3 years ago

    what’s so positive about finding the lady’s teeth?

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  2. Noodleman 2  2
    Cornelius Noodleman  almost 3 years ago

    She can eat corn on the cob again.

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    AFFICIONADO  almost 3 years ago

    @Number Three Today’s strip IS funny our HERO Mr Andrew Capp never liked his mother in law and tries to put her down at every opportunity :o) unlike me who loved Connie’s mum more than my own and I was at her deathbed she grabbed my hand and whispered bless you son and expired :o{ my avatar is a spoof of a toothbrush having the worst job in the world, while the TP roll begs to differ how was your day? our Finally Friday should be a little busy but we should cope I hope we both are in a good mood ,no shopping to do or errands to run, just keep hydrated till this evening when I will have my fav nosh keep safe and thanks for caring young Lady. catch you Monday

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  4. Zooey girl
    ronaldspence  almost 3 years ago

    I would comment on the dialogue but am too distracted by the “missin” grey painting above the couch…

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    charlenelin1201  almost 3 years ago

    Andy is right you know, she’s lucky to still have teeth to grind.

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    rshive  almost 3 years ago

    Andy does stuff that he’s good at.

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    Yardley701  almost 3 years ago

    And Flo still keeps the lazy around.

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    Jeffin Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    And her angle grinder too!

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  9. Saint
    -Saint-  almost 3 years ago

    From our missing Maltese Falcon @ Number Three:" Today’s strip IS funny our HERO Mr Andrew Capp never liked his mother in law and tries to put her down at every opportunity :o) unlike me who loved Connie’s mum more than my own and I was at her deathbed she grabbed my hand and whispered bless you son and expired :o{ my avatar is a spoof of a toothbrush having the worst job in the world, while the TP roll begs to differ how was your day? our Finally Friday should be a little busy but we should cope I hope we both are in a good mood ,no shopping to do or errands to run, just keep hydrated till this evening when I will have my fav nosh keep safe and thanks for caring young Lady. catch you Monday"

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  10. Atheism 007
    Michael G.  almost 3 years ago

    Her bark is nothing compared to her bite.

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    GaryR46953  almost 3 years ago

    maybe they have a life, unlike you

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    CorkLock  almost 3 years ago

    Probably left on some poor sots backside at the pub. Temper temper.

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  13. Vietnam vet
    hk Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Your mum should be grinding her teeth at you for being so stupid and putting up with it.

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    kathleenhicks62  almost 3 years ago

    She needs to stay out of the dynamics their marriage, it is their marriage.

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  15. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  almost 3 years ago

    Hope Flo’s Mum bites him on his sorry a** with those teeth of hers one day!


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  16. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  almost 3 years ago


    So sorry for your loss. I won’t love any other woman as much as my Mum and no other man as much as my Dad.

    Today was a fabulous day. I won £140 at bingo! But I came away with £70 as I shared with my Auntie. After that, I was having some food in the Halal chicken place and this man asked me if I wanted his mini fillet burger (I think that’s what it was) because he didn’t want it anymore. I had it, so it didn’t go to waste. I wouldn’t turn down free food! Haha. I don’t think this day could have turned out any better. I got £10 off my bingo books today as I used a voucher. So they cost £13 instead of £23.

    When I won, I received a “Winners Voucher” for £10 off my bingo books again valid on 18th September. So that’s my next Saturday already planned. Going to Auntie’s house the same day.

    Sorry for going on and on, pal. I’ve just had the most wonderful day. Enjoy your favourite nosh.

    Stay safe, stay well, stay cool and stay happy. See you after the weekend.

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    tad1  almost 3 years ago

    Andy had better watch it, or she may use those teeth to put the bite on him!

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