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  1. almost 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    @ Rasczak Trudeau is merely commenting on the fact that it was only republicans that attacked Warren. I know it’s trendy to assume both parties are the same and serve the same master but look at the composition of the Supreme Court and the dramatic difference in positions based on which party appointed them.

  2. almost 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    Evolution is a theory like gravity is a theory. Or do you believing in intelligent falling? Those who wish to to reconcile religious dogma with accepted scientific understandings are on a fools mission. You are reduced to a “God of the gaps”; retreating from each supernatural explanation to another as science explains more of our world through the application of logic rather than “God’s will”. Those who insist that creationism or intelligent design supernatural explanations backed simply by beliefs rather than evidence deserve equal consideration with scientific knowledge are willfully ignorant. To characterize those who accept scientific findings as true to be liberal speaks volumes about so-called “conservatives” that choose to deny the most plausible understanding of reality available, namely science.