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  1. almost 14 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    The Truth is,The New York Times is not part of the United States;its a SEPARATE COUNTRY, A MONARCHY RULED BY URBAN WITS. Those urban wits are all better than us,more eudcated,more intelligent,and more “sophisticated”in the ways of the world.Meaning,they wear lots of black,and expensive designer suits.(I like Armanit)

    Uh,meaning, they real books a lot;and they do not have a tv. They never go out of NY,and they’ve decided that only 2 whole countries exsist; New York,to live in,and Africa,to do charity work in. That’s it.

    In fact,I wrote a lot,to New York Socialites,and New York Fashion magazine editors,and I begged them,”hey,my state is super poor,super primative,really badly educated; WE’RE your Africa!!! You can practice being a do-gooder on US. We will not mind at all!!We have tons of homeless,bodyless,broke,poor,starving,choking,and mind-blowing marajuana,oops,and we are all losing our shirts. Yeah. WE ARE AFRICA AND HAITI.

    In fact,we have our own “community peace ssong. It goes like this; “We are Su—dan!! /We are the Hai—ti!!! We live in huts,our dogs are mutts, come play with our bay—-bees!! / If you like gruel,you are a fool,cause we eat hotdogs on a stool; / Yes,we are Af-ri-Caaaah!! We’re Hai-teee, too!!!!!!” (deep romantic Sitar playing,and Japanese flat marimba.)

    Can you think of anything more romantic,for an Oregonian to do??Besides drying al the hail and snow,and rain off yer gloves,and her nose all the time.

  2. almost 14 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    I loved to tell all the kiddies at my local university,who are screaming about how bad laws are,that profile Muslims and Mexicans,and foreign people,that campuses and colleges are so vulnerable,little baby child centers of innocent,dumb,and completely unprotected kids of the bad American white(and non)people ;and eventually any enemy will realize that.

    College campuses are just like down town Manhattan,New York,just so vulnerable to any attacker,who seeks to hit very vulnerable spots of America. C’mon,those college kids are so without brains,they think a rat is a white mouse in the lab!!

    Girls get attacked and raped on vulnerable campuses all the time;you think any enemy or crazy Pakistani will not realize that,sooner or later,and say”hey,we can hit the bad Americans’ kids!!ALL of them are just SITTING DUCKS!!!they won;t see us coming,they will welcome us as “ethinic” and stuff like that!!They have no security on campuses,and it’s oozing with cute,young,innocent,and completely brain-dead little American children,who think a terrorist,is someone who toilet-papers your windows,on a frat-party night!!”

    I hate to say it,but also college campuses have some of the most clue-less, Ivory-tower,secluded,and completely divorced from reality people; yeah,students.

    Students have this distorted idea of reality, “life is supposed to be FAIR.”Ever try arguing with a college student?They will pull the “that is NOT FAIR!!those things in life are NOT FAIR!!they should all be FIXED!! Everyone should be EQUAL,WITH THE SAME MONEY!! Oh,and money is not important!!No,you do not need MONEY IN LIFE!! LOVE is more important than money!! Everyone on the planet should all just LOVE ONE ANOTHER. That would fix everything!!” (little hearts and flowers,and UN banners flying amid chirping blue-birds.)

    I do not think a terrorist could visualize a college,and college students.The terrorist would break in to the apartment of the student,in the middle of the night,and the student would say,”Oh,are you in foreign studies?Would you like a Late?Or do you take Turkish coffee?Gee,your mask is so interesting?Is that a native design of your country?Wow,what is that??It’s a GUN?What’s a GUN?? I seem to remember something about guns on old tv westerns,they do not exsist in the US anymore.Only in foreign wars. I never participate in foreign wars,they are not fair.”