Rob Rogers for February 19, 2012

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    GSJohnson  over 12 years ago


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  2. Cat7
    rockngolfer  over 12 years ago

    Every year we endure 4 months of Christmas music on half the radio stations and have displays in all of the stores just so the rethugs can whine that we have a war on Christmas and won’t let them celebrate it.

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  over 12 years ago

    If Obama had a war on religious then both muslims, jews, hindus and so on would be able to feel it too. If he has any war at all it would be against the Catholics, and they seem to fight back plenty enough to make it fair.

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  over 12 years ago

    Thats because its really really horrible musik.

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    Howard Walter Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Our “freedom of religion” was enshrined in the constitution because settlers were fleeing the twisted and tyrannical forms of religion in Europe. They wanted to decide for themselves what was right.

    Unfortunately, religion in this country has become just as twisted and tyrannical as it was in Europe, and there is nowhere left to flee from the Pope and other filthy hypocritical sons of hell.

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    The only war on the Constitution is the one they are waging on Article Six, and they also want to remove that “no state religion” intent of the First Amendment. They want THEOCRACY, NOT “democracy”.

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  7. 200px edhappy
    Howard Walter Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Depends what the definition of “war” is. The repiglicans like to use the terms “class war” and “war on religion.”

    Bombing clinics, murdering doctors and pushing through all kinds of regulations designed to harass and obstruct women who are seek safe legal birth control and abortion are what I call a “war on women.” And now the religious right wants employers to be able to impose their beliefs on their employees.

    Just wait till muslim employers start doing that and see what the repiglicans say.

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    disgustedtaxpayer  over 12 years ago

    Rob Rogers is obviously an unmitigated anti-GOP cartoonist.He is misrepresenting GOP positions on issues. I vote for many Republicans because of issues but I’m not a GOP member…..I am PRO unborn babies, PRO legal immigration, PRO opportunity for the “poor” to become “rich” and being a woman I am for rights that are decent and biblical, and PRO-first amendment rights for Christian individuals and oganizations…….but Rogers would put me in his condemnation of the GOP positions. Of course we are all PRO-replacement of Obama who has done more to harm our way of governing than any previous Oval Office occupier.

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    agate1  over 12 years ago

    War on science. War on truth…War on federal assistance in which they so richly bathe, but would deny to the poor,disabled, and to the elderly..

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    agate1  over 12 years ago

    Didn’t Hunter S. Thompson say something like,we are the only species to conceive of a God, but act like this is none.

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  11. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 12 years ago

    Typical Democrat rhetoric. There isn’t any evidence for any of it, only mud and lies from the Democrat propaganda machine (i.e. all of the stupidity that all of the minions here hear on MSNBC), but all they have to do is claim it, and it’s GOT to be true. It’s sad to see so many without a working thinking cell in their cranium.

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    agate1  over 12 years ago

    Republican actions and inactions speak volumes.

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    ARodney  over 12 years ago

    WMD was a lie spread by Republicans, Howie. Clinton was suckered, because she had the gall to believe that a Republican president could be sincere. It cost her the presidency.

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  14. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 12 years ago

    “War on women? How?”

    Oklahoma legislators passed a bill giving full legal rights to fertilized eggs. Virginia has a law that says that any woman who wants an abortion needs to have trans-vaginal ultrasound. See where this is going as far as women’s rights is concerned?

    “War on gays? How?”

    Remember that one law that you had a problem with? You know, the one that categorizes any beat downs on gays a hate crime? Guess who fought this legislation tooth and nail? Wasn’t the Dems. And don’t forget gay marriage (which I know irks you the most).

    “War on the poor? How?”

    Cutbacks to section 8 housing (which affects the elderly and the poor), cut backs on Pell Grants (which helps struggling families send their kids to college), cutting unemployment insurance, raised the co-pays to veterans, cutbacks on stem cell research, raising the retirement age to 67, etc.

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  15. Lew. shaved beard jul 11
    leweclectic  over 12 years ago

    Eryx, you have said a mouthful of truth about IEO and others like him. However, though it is his right under the 1st amendment to speak his beliefs—as long as he is not inciting mayhem, riot, and murder (though his commentary is often at that edge)—his M.O. is not only disturbing but counter-productive to his own goals and cause.

    What is even more disturbing is that IEO’s religion is all about Christ’s Love…therefore I must ask, “Irish EddieOhara what has happened to your Love?” You present yourself as being only capable of loving those who see things from your hateful and twisted religious POV and, clearly without the ability to Love all of Mankind and “Herkind” as a Christian is called upon by Christ to so do.

    Could it be that, based on all of the past commentaries where you have often spoken to and about sexual activity involving the “rectum, anus (and penis)" that you are in fact suffering from “anal fixation” and are subsequently lashing out at others because you hate yourself so much?

    The vehement postings that you have made to date speak very poorly for you, your faith, and true Christians; Christians who are actually following, teaching, practicing and living Christ’s love and compassion and who, in so doing, are achieving far more for themselves, their faiths, and human kind than all of your vitreous and vile commentary ever will.

    Again, until you learn to love more and hate less, you are doing your faith, your church and Christianity far more harm than good.

    IEO, I hope you will take this as a heads-up observation based on insight I acquired as a Para-professional councilor.

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    wcssharpe  over 12 years ago

    Republicans don’t have a “War on women” They Love them. Just ask Newt, or Herman Cain.

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  17. Calvin hobbes
    Noveltman  over 12 years ago

    You know a strip hit its mark when there are this many comments! What’s war on all these actual humans matter! War on a soulless religion is what’s dangerous. Hmm, soulless religion…is that an oxymoron. Or is it only an oxymoron if you’re moronic enough to buy into all of religion’s premises?

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