Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds for January 28, 2012

  1. Victrola squarred
    Michael Helwig  over 12 years ago

    why can’t we vote by email?…some people don’t do facebook and twitter

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    ElVicente  over 12 years ago

    Do what you will, Millar and Hinds, but Jerry Sandusky will remain in our hearts as the true Sports Jerk of the Year.

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    ChazNCenTex  over 12 years ago

    Not true, rape of a minor is not ‘jerk’ material. It’s not really a joking matter to the victims and their loved ones I’m sure.

    Millar keeps saying it, and I honestly don’t get why everyone else doesn’t get it.

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    pdking77  over 12 years ago

    He wasn’t through screwing over the WVU fans and school – he just scooped up the defensive coordinator and two or three defensive assistants from the Mountaineers. Now he won’t even dare think about coming home for a visit. RichRod still gets my vote – and probably a few from Michigan for putting them about four or five years behind.

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    jollyjack  over 12 years ago

    Jeff & Bill, Any considerations for those of us who don’t waste our time on Facebook or Twitter.

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    Joseph Houk  over 12 years ago

    Sandusky goes beyond SJOTY to Horrible Human Being Period.

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    tedunn5453  over 12 years ago

    Why don’t we let him be tried first? If he’s found to be guilty, THEN you get to call him names and ostracize him.

    Innocent until proven guilty, remember.

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  8. Ddc sunflower
    palepink Premium Member over 12 years ago

    @gmartin997, just how old are you? Tchaikovsky wasn’t anything of most of our time.

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