Michael Ramirez for October 24, 2011

  1. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 12 years ago

    Looks like Ramirez is calling for mass genocide (I’m sure the following right wingers will mirror his sentiment).

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  2. Missing large
    -HARLAN  over 12 years ago

    One more rat down, thousands to go!

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    That pack includes Pat Robertson, and maybe they’re standing on top of Falwell? Radical extremist fundamentalists are FAR overblown on only the Islamic side of the coin, then there’s Netanyahu to finish up the “bible balance”? Religious intolerance is definitive, and hardly exclusive.

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  4. Missing large
    disgustedtaxpayer  over 12 years ago

    Neither Israel nor the USA started Islamic Jihad….it comes from the days when Mohammad was alive and it has been the priority ever since….Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood was organized in 1928 and its priority is to re-establish the “Caliphate” they lost at the end of WW1 in 1917.-Iran began its build-up in 1979 to work for Global Jihad…Gaddafi’s dictatorship in Libya had the same “dream”…to recapture every inch of land at the greatest size of Muslim rule and to add the rest of the world’s lands to it. The Saudi oil riches fund the Muslim Brotherhood’s secret sabotage of the West’s governments….Germany, France and the UK are close to losing power to Islamics….the USA has more than 1,000 front organizations raising millions of dollars and infiltrating every American institution…including the federal government and the Pentagon, FBI and even trains the TSA’s passenger frisking at our airports….facts have come to public view in some court cases, and serious researchers have studied “Islam in America’s legal system” and their ideological plans which are in print. -too many Americans are “asleep” or deliberately ignoring the facts while some officials are knowingly aiding and abetting an Islamic takeover in due time….

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    oneoldhat  over 12 years ago

    heavy b — breivik said he was not particulary religious – he hate muslims for their attacks on europe dtroutma do not forget barry lynn

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  6. Lum happy
    yohannbiimu  over 12 years ago

    The American left is joining with those who we’re currently fighting and WILL fight once the Muslim Brotherhood cements their power throughout the Middle East. The irony is that should militant Islam achieve their goals of destroying Israel and the United States, and conquer the world in the name of Allah, all stooges who backed them will be given the same ultimatum as the rest of us: SUBMIT OR DIE!

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  7. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  over 12 years ago

    Nothing new on the Eastern front . . . . Islam has been waging war against the West for over 1,300 years, and that is an irrefutable fact.

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  8. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    Jack, well there’s the Crusades where the true homicidal types were the Christians, including subjugating the Jews in Europe after Islam allowed them to pay a tax and practice as they wished, in fact, honoring many Jews with high positions in government. Then we have the Inquisition that included the “conquest” as in homicidal murder of almost all native people in South America, Middle America and the American southeast and southwest, which carried on until Mexico gave up the territories. Then the Protestant Reformation which included murdering all the folks in what became the rest of the mainland United States. Then the “murder by missionary” of Polynesia to include Hawaii, and much of south and southeast Asia. Then the “Six Day War” that began with a vast air assault on all neighbors by Israel, kinda’ like a bigger version of the Pearl Harbor attack. Then we have “shock and awe” that actually began when GHW screwed the pooch back in ‘91 by not using American diplomacy to stop the invasion of Kuwait before it began. “Terrorist attack” needs a better definition, and a MUCH longer history, and in the end, Christians and Jews(Hebrews) going back to the early “biblical days” can’t be touched by the very minor and limited “atrocities” of modern Islam, even though they ARE a tad nuts in their fanaticism, just like Robertson and Falwell, and a few dozen other evangelical fundamentalists out to brand anyone outside their cohort as “doomed” by a dude on a cloud with a mythical sword dreamed up in a book that can’t even keep track of its own stories. If anyone “literate” takes that book literally, they’ve proven they aren’t.

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  9. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  over 12 years ago

    The only problem with the Crusades, which started over 300 years after the Muslims conquered most of the nations in northern Africa and the Middle East, is that in the good old European tradition – they didn’t finish the job, and that failure allowed the Muslims to continue to expand and concur untold number of nations, while creating a bunch of ‘nations’ of their own – now 37, and counting.

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  10. Dr horrible1.jpg
    grayhares01  over 12 years ago

    Yet another well-meaning but ill-conceived liberal plan that completely ignores the law of unintended consequences.


    I keep hoping one day they’ll learn, but they never do…

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  11. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    Bruce, here’s to Lennon/McCartney!

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  12. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 12 years ago

    I do not share your paranoia.

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