Mike Luckovich for October 04, 2011

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    ^Last time I checked, the house WAS “lifestyle”. That bad, to terrible, loans were made available was because of deregulation and market manipulations by “insiders”. When those folks lost their jobs, because of the same “insiders”, some got ticked off. Others didn’t see the light, and sip TEA instead.

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  2. Elba 20111218 00003
    doc white  over 12 years ago

    Well, let me tell you something oh NO IT ALL.Am retird form the Army,VA loan and doing fine untill medical bills (no we don’t have the FREE medical) famely moving in with us and no work on there part combined with other expences beyond our control led to us loosing our home. The value of the house had droped 1/3 from the time we got the loan (in 1998). Our loan was passed no less than 4 times from one loan co. to another. When we first found ourselfs behind on the loan, we tried to get the payments lower and where told not no but Hell no. The place was sold at less than half of what we owed. The loan people took not not only our home,they also took a bath. We are not dead beats.We feel like we where damn near beat to death.

    Then someone like you come along and NEVER have any thing nice to say and with little or no proof SHIT on every one.

    I was happy to serve so you would have the right to talk out your ass whenever you wanted.I don’t have to like it or you, but your still welcome.

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  3. Elba 20111218 00003
    doc white  over 12 years ago

    I very seldom take sides in the whole mess we call ‘THE PARTIES’ as I have always voted for the person who I saw as the best for the country,and yes for me. I am so sick of all the hate from all sides. Something just kicked me in the ass with “s”. Ventalation is good. thank you for your comments. All the best back at you. “DOC”

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    zonmoy  over 12 years ago

    America definitely wont survive whatever republican crook that might replace him, the last one nearly turned us into a monster.

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  5. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  over 12 years ago

    Most of the protesters are not home owners but the young with bleak futures. They also have a very very just case. The privileged rationalize with phony economic theory low taxes, not paying the bills and running up deficits for future generations to pay. The rich scream class warfare when it is suggested they pay their fair share. The cons want to reform entitlements, but not to present voters but to future recipients who may not yet vote. The young are expected to fight stupid wars and risk getting killed and maimed whilst the military industrial complex grows richer. The young can’t get jobs because the cons would rather defeat Obama than support job creation. Yes, the protesters have a right to be angry.

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    Dracheitskara  over 12 years ago

    Occupy WallStreet is made up of working class people who have suffered because of greed and corruption.


    It’s a lot of Union people, but it’s also a lot of others ranging in ages. A majority are young people who have found themselves without hope in this climate…


    I think their slogan says it all “We are the 99%”

    There are now 303 cities that have protesters marching that have all sprung from occupy wall street.


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  7. Img00025
    babka Premium Member over 12 years ago

    thanks, ML!

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