Matt Davies for September 07, 2011

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    tcity  over 12 years ago


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    steven02345  over 12 years ago

    you don’t have to support him through 2016, I’d say punish him for not being the man you elected and maybe the next one you help elect will learn from the lesson you teach President Obama. I personally am writing in a candidate for President in 2012, The Senate and Congressional Democrats IMO have done the best they can but everytime President Obama steps on a Podium he blames all Congress (thereby hurting the ones that were trying to help him). I say enough is enough. If the Teapublicans win, fine their rule will serve as a lesson for us once they get what they want (not like they aren’t already but this way President Obama is hurting what it means to be a Progressive )

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  3. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  over 12 years ago

    Get involved in the nomination process. Obama is so very disappointing to many Democrats that there’s a real chance to run a better Democrat in 2012. No?

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    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    I agree to a degree, Stephen, but looking at the broader picture, there have been accomplishments. Considering with accuracy that Obama has found himself in the position of Custer at the Little Bighorn, and even his OWN GUYS are the “sitting bulls…”, what strategy WILL work better?? NO president in the history of the United States, even John Adams, has faced more opposition, especially from his own party that refuses to defend even their OWN PRINCIPLES! Even Lincoln got more support, from secessionists! At least they didn’t lie at every opportunity, or refuse to take ANY action! Which, is why some of the flaming rhetoric coming from Perry and the Limbots is really stupid.

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    Motivemagus  over 12 years ago

    eclod, don’t be an idiot. Obama a Maoist? Yeah, like Ronald Reagan was! Look at what he has ACTUALLY DONE, not at the labels the GOP has pasted on him.The Manchurian Candidate? More like the Wall Street Candidate! Or maybe the Kennebunkport Candidate.

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    meetinthemiddle  over 12 years ago

    One of the many annoying things about Republican propagandists is that they always say their opponent is the most liberal, the most socialist, the most communist person ever in our polity. Never mind that that can’t always be true. Never mind that we actually have members of the Socialist party in congress. Never mind the reps/senators from Northern Cal.And then they switch tack and say that he had little experience and just voted “present” while a senator. How does one establish the most liberal track record ever just voting present? And having the gall to say that while touting a half-governor from the most socialist state in the union.

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    meetinthemiddle  over 12 years ago

    For 2007 he was ranked #1; the 2 preceding years ranked 10 and 16. Cherry-picking one moment in time does not make the broader accusation true. The Republicans also said John Kerry was the most liberal ever, and Al Gore before him. Does anyone really think Kerry’s more liberal than Gore?

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