Clay Bennett for September 06, 2011

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    Chrysler sales up 38%, GM and Ford also way up, so where are the JOBS that CORPORATIONS should be providing?? It is, as Repugs keep saying NOT POSSIBLE for “government” to create jobs, – so, as Obama talks about increasing infrastructure jobs, WHERE THE “hockey sticks” is the stock market and “business” with using our investment money to create and improve infrastructure, and JOBS??? Oh, right, Boehner and the boneheads are pocketing all the money that should be going to jobs, and squealing like the pigs they are if , for example, Boeing, is required to actually produce jobs fro the “union workers” who’ve kept them in business since before WW II when Bill Boeing actually invested HIS MONEY to build a functioning B-17- with union labor. BTW- the B-52 is STILL our only “functional” bomber- and guess what? R & D for it wasn’t on the taxpayers back either, and union workers built them!! So- Repug bugs, stuff it!

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 12 years ago

    ^a good deal of “Congress” is having “congress” with all of us because they’re in bed with tobacco and other agricultural and chemical (read oil) industry lobbyists. While most of tobacco is in the “southern states”- it’s a definite “you scratch my back, I scratch yours”.

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  3. Me 3 23 2020
    ChukLitl Premium Member over 12 years ago

    The slow suicide of cigarettes was my only hope of predeceasing the dream that was America.Unfortunately, the plutocrats are killing America faster.I may have to insult more punkass gangstahs’ mammas.

    A shout-out from the wilderness:Hire an American.Pay for training.Give them decent healthcare & retirement benefits.Deduct every God-forsaken penny, as a legitimate business expense.Hire more to clean up your pollution (also deductible).If it’s not in circulation, it’s not money.Numismatic value is a crapshoot, otherwise it’s scrap.

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