Michael Ramirez for August 19, 2011

  1. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  almost 13 years ago

    Won’t someone save the billionaires?!?!?!

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 13 years ago

    The Dow should be down around the mid 9K to be rational. It is the stocks NOT IN THE DOW, that have crashed and are a much more serious problem, and it started “mid-Bush”.

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    stoic567  almost 13 years ago

    If Obama gets out, good; if Obama stays out, better.

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    dannysixpack  almost 13 years ago

    ^ the same was true of bush, every time he opened his mouth the market went down. kinda eerie.

    ^^ “No amount of taxation will suit you”

    yes, that is the clear message we’re getting from the republicans:

    “NO amount of taxation (read ZERO) will suit the uber wealthy”

    very nicely.


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  5. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  almost 13 years ago

    “wealth envy, wealth redistribution, community organizer, socialist, etc” You obedient little cons seem to be enjoying the cool-aid.

    BTW the dow was at about 8200 when Obama took over, so it’s up about 30% to date.

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  6. Cowboyonhorse2
    Gypsy8  almost 13 years ago

    @grayharesSomeone tell the billionaires. There’s never been more billionaires in the U.S. and more unemployed.

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    Wraithkin  almost 13 years ago

    Because they are intimidated by Obama’s policies. Read up Here

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    Wraithkin  almost 13 years ago

    And because it’s an opinion column makes it less valid than a youtube link? Or any other “news” agency that gets splattered on these pages? Let’s look at some other places as a news agency. Here:“Business owners are a gun-shy bunch these days. When asked why they aren’t hiring, you’ll often hear the word “uncertainties.” Those range from not knowing whether taxes might increase at some point to worries about how health care reform could add to employee costs in the future.”.Here:“The jobs report was more evidence that employers aren’t opening their hiring gates, citing doubts about health care, taxes and the global economy.”.Here:“The Chamber emphasized the “regulatory tsunami” Washington has imposed over the past few years as one of the central problems. It is very concerned with the stress that last year’s health care reform puts on businesses, citing the 159 new agencies, commissions panels, and other bodies the legislation creates.".So what if the Chamber of Commerce also represents big business? It also represents small businesses. And, if the health care law is a culprit in nearly every editorial you can find, even one from your beloved MSNBC, it shows that there is something wrong. Every single item cited in the complaints revolves around all the activities of Obama and his administration. Health Care, Regulation (really? 159 new regulatory bodies?), and taxes. All of which are at the feet of your beloved POTUS..If it’s not working, why keep plowing ahead into something that we know doesn’t work? It baffles me why we are still continuing to pursue keynesian economics theory when it’s been proven to utterly fail every time it’s tried. If it doesn’t work, change it! Repeal the items that are holding up growth. If this is about jobs, then unleash the $3 trillion in cash the private market is sitting on. Find a way… ANY way.. to get that money working for people. Government is not the solution in this problem. Heaping on more regulations and costly programs/taxes is only going to make them more gunshy, as is being proven today.

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  9. June 27th 2009   wwcd
    BrianCrook  almost 13 years ago

    Yeah, Putzhill, regressives love the Constitution so much. Please. Have you forgotten Bush-Dick’s practicing torture?

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    Wraithkin  almost 13 years ago

    Where is it in the constitution that it bars (your supposed claim of) torture of non-US citizens (aka terrorists)? Not in there? Didn’t think so.

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    Wraithkin  almost 13 years ago

    I never said that Dr. I am simply talking about constitutional.As for “torture,” yes. I find it acceptable. One of them is worth saving how many of our lives? They are the enemy. And our “torture” is much more humane than what they put our people through. Or have you forgotten about the beheading videos out there? Or the amputations. Or the rape and beatings. Or maiming and murder? How many of our troops are you willing to sacrifice because you don’t have the stomach to break a terrorist’s will? If it saves even one American life, I think our “enhanced interrogations” were worth every moment. Don’t worry. I’ll go to hell for you, so you can sleep soundly at night.

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  12. Missing large
    Wraithkin  almost 13 years ago

    Oh! And the <1br> tag is how you get an empty line break without needing to put a period… less the 1

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